Revealing the Killer

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You lay in the Phantomhive garden, your (h/c) hair sprawled out amongst the grass. Your (e/c) eyes shone in the bits of light that made it past the shadow of the tree you were under. While you seemed at peace, you still yearned to see Adrian.

"How long has it been since I've seen him...?" you asked yourself.

You sighed and stood up, your footsteps slow as you move towards the manor. Eventually, you made it up the stairs and turned to the direction of your room. Just as you set your (s/c) hand on the doorknob, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Sebastian with a small smile on his face. As you looked into his eyes, you noticed they flashed another color for just a second.

"The Young Master wishes to see you, (y/n)." Sebastian began to walk towards Ciel's office with you following closely behind.

Sebastian opened the door and gestured you inside. As you walked in, however, you could tell something was off about his calling you here. Ever since you fully awakened your power, your senses, physical, and mental abilities have all heightened significantly. While you found it odd, you never really questioned yourself about it.

You snapped back to reality when Ciel began to speak, facing the window behind his desk, "I've called you here because Sebastian has informed me that you are extremely powerful ever since you awakened your power," you laughed mentally at this, as you had just been thinking about the same thing, "So I would like to put that power to good use."

"Oh?" You suddenly wanted to learn more about what he'll do with your power and continued to listen closely.

"Yes. If we can get you to call upon that power whenever you felt it was necessary, I think we'd be able to put down more of the scum that dare defy the Queen."

"Alright. However, once I am able to do this, I would like to find the killers of my parents," your voice faltered for a second at the mention of their death, but quickly regained yourself as to not disappoint the Young Master--

"Wait, am I seriously acting this way? Damn, I guess with a significant enhancement of my abilities was the cost of my personality."

You brought yourself back to the topic at hand, just in time to notice Ciel was hesitant to oblige, "A... Alright. I guess you deserve to know that, don't you?"

He sighed and sent you to your room, where you immediately began to try and bring out your power. You tried to find just a smidge of it and latch onto it, but there was nothing. You were doing this for quite some time, and you only realized the time when Sebastian called you for dinner.

"I'll have to try again tomorrow," you say as you snuggle under the soft covers of your bed.


After eating breakfast, you tried reaching for your power, but to no avail. "Damn! How am I supposed to do this!" You sighed and thought of what it was that triggered the power.

"I... Remember..." A small aura of blue and orange began to circle you as you remembered more of those past events. As you felt yourself become unstable, you tried to calm yourself. The aura stopped to circle you and was just a barely visible glow on your skin.

"I did it!" You exclaimed.

You stood up and made your way to Ciel's office to show him, but just standing up caused the power to fade away. You left your room and headed outside to practice, due to it being one of the only things that can keep you in a calm state of mind.

You stood in an area of grass as you tried to maintain the small amount of power. Once you gathered all of the power you could find within yourself, you pushed it all out at once. A giant aura dispersed around you, then bringing itself back to a light glow around you. You formed ice in one hand and fire in the other, smiling in the process. Your immediate thought was to form a scythe, in which you did. Although you weren't very sure why you wanted to form this weapon, you just felt it was instinctive.

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