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You woke up this morning with Adrian in your face. You jumped from the close contact, not that you weren't used to it, you just got scared half to death. Adrian burst out laughing at your reaction, nearly falling on the floor.

"That... Wasn't funny... Adrian," you said in between pants.

Adrian was finally able to control his laughter and gave you a quick kiss. You smiled a bit and began to get up from your bed. Your silver haired fiancee pushed you back on your bed and went into the hall only to come back in with a cart full of food.

"What's this all about?" You slightly gaped at the sight.

"Happy birthday, (y/n)!" Adrian smiled warmly at you, then began to give you the food. There was a slight variety. Scones, pancakes, eggs, and English muffins with Earl Gray tea.

You smirked, "I couldn't possibly eat this by myself!" You took a scone and shoved it into Adrian's mouth. He giggled at your actions and allowed himself to be fed. Once all the food was gone, you were finally able to get dressed for the day. Instead of your normal attire, you decided to wear a black dress with deep red lining, a black choker with red lining of the same shade, and black flats with red knee high socks. You brushed your (h/l), (h/c) hair, and left it the way it was for today. For the finishing touch, you placed Adrian's hat atop your hair.

You skipped down stairs into the parlor, only to see Ciel and Sebastian talking with Adrian. Ciel turned to you and... Smiled?

He walked up to you and placed a small box in your hand. Your (e/c) eyes shimmered when looking at the box.

"Happy birthday, (y/n)," he said with a warm smile.

You smiled back and thanked him. He then left the shop to return to his ginormous manor. Adrian came up and hugged you from behind, snaking his arms around your waist.

"You look beautiful, love," he purred in your ear sending shivers down your spine.

You blushed deep red and looked down at the gift for a distraction. You opened the gift with your (size) hands to unravel a black bracelet. A big smile spread across your face as you looked at the gift. Adrian helped put it on and snatched a kiss from you. He then guided you to his desk chair where he placed you on his lap. You both chatted about random things as Adrian played with your hair.

Some time had passed, it was about three in the afternoon, and you began to feel a bit drowsy. Adrian took notice of this and placed his head on your shoulder.

"Are you tired, (y/n)?" He asked in a soothing tone, making you even more drowsy.

"No, I'm fi--" you were interrupted by your yawning.

"I'll take that as a yes." Adrian carried you bridal style to his room and set you down on the bed, sitting on the opposite side of the bed. He removed your shoes and his shoes and set them aside.

"Adrian, will you lay with me?" You blushed and looked away. He chuckled and layed with you, pulling you close to him. You snuggled into his chest and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Before drifting off, you said to yourself, "Best birthday ever."


Hey guys!

I know my chapters have been short lately, I've been getting low on ideas ;-;

If you have any requests for another chapter, I will gladly accept~


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