Her Heart is Broken

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Six months.

It's been six months since she's left Undertaker. I truly worry for her health, seeing as she almost never leaves her room since the last encounter they had. Her wounds have fully healed, but her heart has been shattered into a million pieces.

"It's funny... How I have so much compassion for her... Isn't it, Sebastian."

My butler, clad in black, glanced over to me with a smirk.

"You're not in love with Miss (Y/N), correct? Young Master?"

I clicked my tongue and turned my chair to face the window. He never ceases to annoy me in times like these. I sighed and let my mind wander for a moment...

"Oh? You have a daughter? Why didn't you say so sooner! Let's see her!" My father beamed, awaiting to see the (L/N)s' daughter.

Her father too a step to the side, revealing a girl with (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and a pink and black dress with black stockings and pink flats with small bows on them. She seemed very nervous in my father's presence -- or just anywhere with lots of people.

I walked over with a smile, greeting her, "I'm Ciel! It's very nice to meet you!"

"I-It's very nice to m-meet you t-t-too..." she said rather quietly.

"(Y/N)!! How many times must I tell you to SPEAK UP?!" Her father looked down at her, his face furious.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry!!" She tried to be louder, but her voice wouldn't let her. Her voice broke with every word, as if she was terribly sick.

Her father clicked his tongue and went back to his conversation. I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and pulled her to a balcony where it was much quieter. In the corner of my eye, I saw something glistening in the moonlight. I looked over to see (Y/N) in tears.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?" I gave her a worried expression.

When I looked into her eyes, they were no longer the beautiful (e/c) I saw in the ball room. Instead, one eye was ice blue and the other a bright orange. I slowly rapped my arms around her, trying to comfort her. She soon hugged back and let her tears fall on my shoulder. Even though I just met her, I could feel myself wanting to never let go of her, afraid  I might loose her.

"...I wish I knew at the time that her father did experiments on her like some kind of lab rat..."

"What was that, Young Master?" Sebastian looked in my direction, puzzled.

"It was nothing. Go fetch me some tea." I ordered.

Sebastian left the room and I let out another sigh.

"I need to mend her broken heart... Somehow..."


You leaned over the railing of the balcony that you once let tears fall on to three years ago. A strange warmth filled your being as you remembered Ciel's arms wrapped around you protectively as you let the waterfall of tears escape your eyes. You smiled to yourself and climbed on the railing, adjusting yourself to your now sitting position.

"I wish I could relive those days one last time... When I first met Ciel... And..." You couldn't bring yourself to mention his name or you might call this off.

"It was fun while it lasted... I wish I could have stayed longer, but this pain in my chest is too much to bear anymore."

You felt the cold air hit your body, but you didn't shiver.

You felt numb.

Time itself began to slow down, allowing your most treasured moments to flash before your eyes.

"Goodbye, Ciel..."

The memory of your first encounter with him faded.

"Goodbye, Adrian..."

Your first kiss with him vanished from your mind.

"Goodbye... Everyone..."

Your vision got darker the closer you got to the ground.

...You can't die on me now!


I don't want to be alone anymore...



Your eyes shot open to see Ciel looking down at you, crying. Your (e/c) eyes widened and you tried to sit up, but you couldn't feel anything. His arms tightened around you and hid his head in the crook of your neck. All you could see of his face was the black-tinted-blue that was his hair.

"(Y/N)... I don't know what I would have done without you... I don't think even Undertaker could handle you being gone..."

You tried to speak, but to no avail.

"You've been in a coma for three months... I'm so glad to see you awake again..."

He lifted himself up, allowing yourself to look into his one blue eye. You managed to smile, but it quickly faded once you felt pain spread across the muscles that allowed you to so.

"Listen, (Y/N)... I have to tell you something."

He paused, trying to come up with the words, "I... I lo--"

Before he could finish, Adrian burst through the door. A wave of relief swept over him when he saw you awake. He rushed over to you and hugged your small frame.  Tears welled in your eyes from pain... but mostly being able to see Adrian again.

"I'm so glad you're alive..."

I'm so gald...

That she has someone to love...

But now...

I'll never find it.


Hai :3

Finally got to finish this chapter

Expect updates to be a bit slow since school has begun again

Hope you enjoyed~

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