A Normal Day... Or Not

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You woke up like you did every morning, but felt something was out of place. It seemed impossible to remember last night's events; you only remember seeing Undertaker on your bedside, but that's about it. You pushed it aside for now and decided to get ready for work. After performing your normal morning routine, you grabbed the hat Undertaker gave you and placed it on your (h/c) hair. Your (color) shoes padded down the stairs into the parlor where you found Undertaker sitting at his desk. As usual, he had a big goofy grin on his face as he drank some tea while eating... Dog treats?

"Fufu~ (Y/n), try this," he spoke in his mischievous voice. You walked up to him awkwardly, your (e/c) eyes held a curious look. He motioned you to sit, and as soon as you did, he shoved one of the treats in your mouth.

Your tast buds tingled as you chewed on the treat. In a muffled voice, you tried to get out, "Thish ish great! What ish it exactly?"

All he did was laugh, not answering the question. Suddenly, the door of the funeral parlor opened with a noticable ring coming from the bell. "Ah, the Young Lord has finally showed up! Fufufu~"

Ciel had a determined look in his eyes, but faded for a second when he saw you in the dimly lit room. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here? And.. Are you wearing Undertaker's hat...?"

You nodded and told him what happened when you returned home after the last time you saw each other. He nodded in understanding and went back to Undertaker. "I need information on the disappearance of children that have begun when the circus arrived," the Earl spoke in his usual monotone.

"You know the price you have to pay before I say anything Young Lord~"

Ciel sighed, "Sebastian, take care of this..."

His butler, clad in black, nodded and told his master to not listen in... yada yada, you get it. He turned to you, signaling that you should go too. You began to stand up, but Undertaker sat you down, plugging your ears in the process. Sebastian gave a questionable look to the man, but soon told the joke. Undertaker fell from laughing, clutching his stomach and wiping his tears away. You had the urge to laugh also, his laugh seemed contagious all of the sudden, however the moment soon ended when the Earl entered the parlor again with a blank expression.

"Thank you, and I'll see you again sometime, (y/n)." The two exited the shop,  leaving you and the giddy Undertaker alone. Remembering the feeling you had this morning, you turned your (e/c) eyes to the man next to you with a look of curiosity and confusion.

"Undertaker... What happened last night? All I know is that you were sitting on my bedside, but that's all." You hoped that he would answer you, but you knew better than that.

His hand moved to his bangs, revealing his green and yellow eyes. You remembered those eyes from somewhere, but you couldn't place it. His smile also faded and moved close to you. "This happened..." 

He leaned in close, you could feel his breath on your face. You blushed a deep red and squeezed your eyes shut, the thought of what you believed what happened made your heart beat out of control. You slowly opened one eye just in time to see him pull away, his bangs covering his eyes once more and putting a big grin on his face. "Heeheeheehee~ Just kidding!" The man burst out laughing, obviously not noticing your angered expression. "Your face was priceless, (y/n)!" He continued laughing as you stood up and walked out of the parlor into the bright sunlight.

"That jerk! He can't just mess with people's feelings like that!" You huffed and walked off, your (h/l), (h/c) hair bouncing on your shoulders as you sped away.

You were walking back to the parlor, your mind cleared and feeling better. It was getting quite late, the sun was just a little above the horizon. Not wanting to be in the streets during the night, you started running down the sidewalk. Beads of sweat formed on your face as you tried to find your way back. You spotted the dark colored funeral parlor and burst through the door. Undertaker looked up from his desk, his feet propped up and a cookie hanging out of his mouth. You gave him a mean look and walked up the stairs to your room. Sighing, you placed Undertaker's hat on the table and thought about the events of earlier today. You stood there for a moment, a bitter expression laying on your face. 

"What's that matter, love?" Undertaker hugged you from behind. You never heard the door open or close, making you questiom his abilities. Further more, he called you by a pet name sending shivers down your spine. "You're not mad at me are you?" His voice was soothing in your ear.

"Wh-What do you want?" You tried to stay composed, but your heart was trying to jump out of your chest.

"I suppose I should answer your question now, hn?" He turned you around,  holding your face gently in his hand.

He inched closer to your face.

Your breath hitched in your throat.

Undertaker wasn't messing around.

He kissed you firmly on your lips. Your eyes widened. This was unexpected, but now you know what those feelings in the pit of your stomach were. For the past month you tried to surpress those feelings, but you knew you couldn't.

"I love you, (y/n)"

"I love you too, Undertaker."


Quite an eventful day for (y/n)...

I assume some of you already guessed what the cliffhanger was :P

I would have too, don't worry xD

Now, I must get some sleep... It's 1:00 a.m.


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