A Somewhat Nice Break

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You've been at the parlor once more for the past few days. Adri-- Undertaker's presence has been cheering you up little by little. You still hold a grudge against him, yet you still love him. Quite an odd feeling. You continued to think of what has happened since you met the reaper in this little parlor and felt a pang in your chest. Everyone you cared about has betrayed you.

First, your parents, well, more just your mother. Next, Undertaker. Then, Ciel. You felt numb at this point. Barely any emotion showed. Your smiled became weak along with your laugh. Undertaker would frown every time he heard your uncharacteristic laugh after attempting to cheer you up.

"Come, now, (Y/N)," he wrapped his arms around your waist while you were in the middle of cleaning, "why not take a break and sit with me. I could make us some tea."

You hesitantly obliged and walked over to the chair next to his, but he pulled you into his lap before you could sit down. He turned you so you were straddling his lap and he pushed his bangs out of his eyes. When no reaction came from you his eyes flashed concern before returning to the seductive gaze it usually held. You couldn't help the small blush creep across you cheeks the longer you looked into his tempting eyes.

"Do I have permission to kiss you?" he asked in his sultry voice.

You nodded seemingly unwillingly due to your lust, your face radiating more heat than before. He leaned forward slowly until he locked lips with you.

It was small, but there was still a spark. This surprised you a little. After everything, there's still a small sliver of love left.

He pulled away slowly, almost reluctantly.

"Was the tea an excuse to kiss me?" You said with a small smile.

"What do you mean? This particular tea just so happens to be invisible!" He said with his usual manic tone.

You giggled a little. It felt nice to show emotion.

He leaned close to your ear, his breath tickling the side of your neck.

"How's about we take today off?" he whispered huskily.

You could feel your face heat up even more as he spoke. You nodded quickly and looked down in an attempt to hide your blush. Using the tip of one of his long nails, he lifted your head up to lock his lustful gaze with yours.

You both lean in and kiss again. He puts a hand behind your head to deepen the kiss, causing you to emit a small moan. You tangle your hands in his long, soft hair. He slid his other arm down your back, just above your arse making you shiver in delight.

He slid his tongue across your lower lip asking for entrance, and you complied. Your tongues danced for what felt like an eternity. You had to pull away to catch your breath for a moment.

"Your face is as red as a tomato~" he chuckled.

"S-So are you!" You puffed out your cheeks.

He just chuckled more and whispered in your ear, "I wonder how flustered I can make you~"

Your heart beat faster than it already was as he began to kiss along your neck. You bit your lip to keep yourself from moaning, not wanting to give into his desire. He started to get rougher, biting and sucking along the sensitive area. You finally let out a moan when you couldn't handle holding it in anymore. His kisses traveled to your mouth where you both made out for who knows how long.

You never wanted this moment to end. It was so perfect and wonderful. His lips against yours felt like heaven. It felt as if all of your worries disappeared in this moment. Sadly, it came to an end. Sort of.

He pulled away and spoke in his husky, seductive tone, "We'll continue this later~"

You climbed off of him, nodding. Just as you got back to cleaning, the door to the parlor opened. A body was brought in to be fitted for a coffin and once the people left you followed Undertaker into his 'dressing room.' 

When he uncovered the body it immediately made you feel sick. There were incisions and small holes where major veins were. Your heart pounded in your chest and your breathing heavied. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you began to panic. Undertaker quickly  covered your eyes and lead you out of the room.

Once he uncovered our eyes you turned and hugged him tightly. He returned the embrace just as tight. He rubbed your back, which helped you calm down. He pulled away, a concerned expression still on his face.

"Go rest upstairs, dear. I'll join you as soon as I'm finished..."

You nodded and headed upstairs to your room, setting Undertaker's hat on the night stand before curling into a ball on the bed, trying not to think about it.


A few hours had passed and you were feeling better, though you were still curled into a ball. You felt Undertaker wrap his arms around you and turn you around to face him. You immediately snuggled into his chest and felt him kiss the top of your head.

"Are you feeling better, (y/n)?" You could hear the concern in his voice.


"Good. Now let's get some sleep, it's been quite a day."

He kissed your head once more and pulled you flush against him. You shut your eyes, feeling peaceful as you drifted off.

Little did you know that tomorrow would also be quite a day...



I'm very sorry I haven't updated in so long. I gave you guys fluff cause I felt bad. I don't have an excuse for the summer, however the past few months have been a compete disaster. I've just been a mess and everything is just falling apart for me, and I've been trying to get my life back together.

Hope you guys enjoyed

Be prepared for the next chapter.

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