Something Special

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"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" You ran around the parlor as Adrian chased you with a new outfit that you really didn't want to wear. It had way too much pink, and you wouldn't be surprised if Lizzy picked it out for you.

"Come on, love, you have to stop at some point! It's just a dress!!" He said in between laughs. You refused and continued to run around, trying your best not to knock anything over.

You finally decided to run up the stairs to your room and into the bathroom where he won't be able to torture you with the pink frilly thing he called a dress. Adrian knocked on the door, insisting you come out. You pouted and said no like a small child, which Adrian just giggled at. He gave up after a while and went downstairs, awaiting his almost nonexistent customers... that he didn't take money from. As you sat in the bathroom, you thought back to your birthday party. You giggled at the thought of all that happened there.

"That reminds me, I should do something for Adrian... I have no idea when his birthday is though..." After some thinking, you came up with an idea. "That's what I'll do,

Creeping down the stairs and making sure he couldn't hear you leaving, you escaped through the back door and made your way to Ciel's mansion. Cursing yourself for not taking a carriage there, you forced your way through the cold London air. You wished you could use your powers to keep you warm, but the people around you seeing it would cause a problem. (A/N: Totally didn't forget (Y/N)'s powers...)

It was nearly sunset when you got to the Guard Dog's home. You walked up to the giant double doors and knocked gently on the dark wood. No response. You knocked a bit harder this time. After some time, the doors opened to Sebastian with a slightly confused expression.

"What might you be doing here at this hour, Miss (Y/N)?" His crimson orbs staring down at you. You now realized how tall he was compared to you.

"I wanted to speak with C-- Earl Phantomhive." Last second manners. Sure, you've known Ciel for a while, but that doesn't mean you won't show any respect to his position. Sebastian lead you inside and to Ciel's study. He knocked on the door an awaited his master's response. You heard a sigh and a 'come in.'

The butler clad in black opened the door as he said, "Miss (Y/N) would like to speak with you." Sebastian went to stand by his master once in the room and you stood in front of his desk that had mountains of paper work stacked in several places.

"What is it you need, (Y/N)?" You explained your idea to the Earl as he closed his eye and nodded every few seconds. Once you had explained yourself, he smirked and gave his butler an order. "This should be quite interesting. I'll have everything set up by the end of the week. Sebastian, take her home now please." His butler nodded and walked to the door.

"Thank you so much, Ciel," You smiled happily to him as he held his smirk.

"Anything I can do for a friend."


Sebastian helped you out of the carriage when you arrived at the parlor. "Thank you, Sebastian." He nodded and drove off back to his master. You cautiously entered the back door and crept back into your room. You walked into your room, only to go smack into Adrian. 'Well this is just great' you thought. Your (e/c) eyes traced up to see his seemingly glowing green and yellow eyes looking down at you. You gulped and began to turn around, wanting to escape before he asked twenty questions about why you were gone.

He grabbed your wrist and asked, "So, where did you go running off to?" His voice was very serious, and you could feel his eyes burning through the back of your head.

"I was.. Um... Looking at... Clothing..." You said nervously.

You could almost feel him scowling, "Looking at clothes for six hours?"


"Well, I suppose I'll find out what you were actually doing soon enough. You should get some rest, (Y/N)." You nodded and began to walk into your room again. Instead on getting to your room, Adrian wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. You did the same, reaching up to give him a kiss before you were allowed to your bed.


You were putting on your best outfit, (color) dress and shoes, (color) tights and bow tie, and Adrian's hat. Once again, you crept out the back door and made your way to Ciel's manor. At the front of the parlor, Sebastian was waiting by the carriage. He lead you inside and drove off. You were very excited for this, you couldn't wait to see Adrian's face when he saw it all. When you arrived at the giant manor, Sebastian lead you inside to a very beautifully decorated ball room. Your (e/c) eyes glistened at it all and a smile made it's way onto your face. You saw all the servants greeting you and asking if they did well on their decorating.

"It's wonderful, you guys." Your eyes still looking at all the decorative streamers around the ballroom. Ciel came down the stairs and greeted you, a smirk placed on his face.

"I see you really like the servants' decoration?" You nodded and smiled at the Earl. "Good. Lizzy shall be joining us soon along with other guests once the sun sets." You nodded again and sat at one of the chairs, awaiting Adrian's arrival.

Dusk soon came and Lizzy yelled at everyone to hide. You hid closest to the doors and waited for Sebastian to open them. The doors opened just as the lights came on and everyone yelled 'surprise' and you jumped onto Adrian laughing non-stop. He just gave a confused expression before he began to laugh along with you.

The ball began with Sebastian playing the violin, while the servants gave beverages and snacks to the guests. They actually aren't reeking havoc on everything. You and Adrian were in the garden looking up at the night sky.

"That was one surprise, (Y/N)" Adrian chuckled. You smiled and said, "I wanted to do something special for you, since you've done so many things for me."

"How about a dance?" You agreed and he put one hand on your waist and the other linking fingers with yours. You hummed a song as you both danced, and Adrian hummed along. You both danced under the night sky for hours. When the dance came to an end, it only felt like a few minutes. He placed a kiss on your lips and you kissed back. You broke the kiss and made your way inside, where Sebastian lead you to a carriage. You went into your room, only to have Adrian follow you inside and lay on your bed. You changed into (color) nightgown and laid with him. He wrapped his arms around you as you snuggled into his chest.

Before you drifted off you heard Adrian say, "I love you, (Y/N)"

"I love you too, Adrian."


Author's Note~

I'm so sorry for not updating in forever, I've had school and no ideas for the story ;____;

Don't hurt me ;___________;

I made the chapter extra long see?? ;____________________;

Also, thanks to wolfmoonhowl99 for the idea :3 (And I'll make the Ciel x Reader when I'm done with this story)

I'll try to use everyone's ideas if I see they fit into the story (Which they probably will)


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