A Sleepover...?

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You violently shook Adrian in an attempt to wake him, but failed misserably. 'Dang, what's his deal?' No matter how much you tried, he just keot sleeping. You sighed and went back to where you were sleeping. Thinking back to the events of last night, you couldn't blame him for sleeping so much.

Everyone was minding their own business,  Adrian doing nothing at his desk and you cleaning the parlor. Suddenly, the parlor door swung open dramatically to reveal a Ciel pleading for help, a blond girl in a pink frilly dress, and a Sebastian clad in black. You held back a laugh when you saw the young Earl hanging nearly limplessly from the blond's grasps and it seemed Adrian was having a hard time also. Adrian asked what they needed at the parlor, but received no response from the trio. The girl only pointed in your direction, sending an emotionless Sebastian your way. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder with no effort. Then the young girl grabbed Adrian and dragged him out of his parlor and towards a carriage. Sebastian placed you on the ground and went up to the coach. You cautiously entered the blue and black carriage only to be attacked by the blond once getting settled next to Adrian.

"YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!! THE HAT IS SO CUTE WITH YOUR OUTFIT!!! OH BUT I THINK IT WOULD BE SOOOO MUCH BETTER WITH A BEAUTIFUL DRESS!!!!!!!" The girl's voice screeched in your ears as she went on and on about clothing and adorable things... then she finally calmed down... well, only to introduce herself, "Oh, I'm Elizabeth Middleford! But you can just call me Lizzy! What's your name?"

"(Y/n)..." you said nervously, afraid she would burst into screams again.

"That's such beautiful name!! And what's your name?" She pointed to Adrian. 

"Fufufufu~ I am the Undertaker, my lady," he spoke in his usual weirdo tone.

"Undertaker..." she processed the name, "That name suits you very well, Undertaker."

And once again, she started talking about absolutely everything. As Elizabeth... or Lizzy... was talking, you stared out the window wondering what they 'kidnapped' you for. Sighing mentally,  you just waited for the ride to end when you all arrived at your destination.

Although the ride was pretty long, and you may have contracted a headache due to the Middleford, you were actually excited for what was going to happen while at the Phantomhive manor. You haven't been here in a while, and it would be nice to see what has changed since the last time you visited.

Once everyone was out of the carriage, we were lead into the manor by Sebastian. When we entered, four other servants welcomed us. Sebastian stood by each if them and gave their introductions. 

"This is Maylene, the house maid." He gestured to a young woman with cherry-red hair in a maid's outfit.

"This is our gardener, Finnian, or Finny." He pointed to a boy with blonde hair with red clips holding his hair up. He also had a straw hat hanging on the back of his neck.

"This is our chef, Bard." He yet again pointed to a young man with a chef's outfit and a cigar hanging out of his mouth... along with goggle hanging around his neck...

"Finally, this is the house steward, Tanaka." Sebastian gestured to a short old man who wore a butler's attire and drank a cup of tea.

"Now, my Lady Elizabeth, please ex--"

Lizzy immidiatly started explaining why we were all here, "We're all going to stay here in the ball room and a have, what I call, a sleep over!!"

After a... long... while of explaining how it works, blah blah blah, Sebastian came in with a bottle. The other servants followed closely behind. We were all put into a circle. I was next to Adrian and Ciel, luckily, as this game started.

"In this game, whoever the bottle lands on has to kiss the person who spinned it!" Lizzy exclaimed.

Knowing Ciel, he would have rejected the idea, but he couldn't deny his fiancee. The game started with Lizzy. She spinned the bottle and it spun round and round. It slowed down and sat still pointing at Ciel. He crawled over to Lizzy and gave her a ligh peck on the cheek. His fiancee pouted slightly, but regained her smile again soon after. All the while everyone was chanting 'kiss' because we are totally mature. Ciel spun the bottle once in his spot and waited boredly for it to land on someone. The person it pointed to was... Sebastian. I nearly burst out laughing, lowering it to a giggle. The Young Master shook his head violently as Sebastian neared him. Sebastian moved his head to the side and pecked him on the cheek.

"Now was that so hard, Young Master," Sebastian said with a closed eye smile, obviously enjoying his master's flustered face.

The game went on for a bit before you got to spin the bottle. You waited anxiously for it to stop, wondering who was to be tortured by a simple kiss. When the bottle stopped, you traced it to the man next to you with long silver hair. Adrian. You sighed and moved up to kiss him on the cheek, only for him to move and kiss him on his lips. Your eyes burst open and your face went deep red with embarrassment. Everyone 'oohed' and 'awed' at the sight. You pulled away quickly, still red in embarrasement. He giggled, and continued to spin the bottle.

The next few games were innocent, which was fine by you and Ciel. However,  the last game was for adults only. The game was to see who can take the most shots without passing out. Bard, Sebastian, and Undertaker parricipated. Bard was first to fall, leaving the two... seemingly inhuman... tall ones in a tight competition. They were at their, maybe, 50th shot. Adrian went for the next glass, but collapsed on the floor, leaving Sebastian as the  victor. Ciel sneered in your direction, and you turned the other direction and went to set up a sleeping mat for Adrian. Everyone else seemed to be doing the same so they could get some sleep. You looked over to Sebastian and noticed how drunk he was now. The three servants were forcing him onto the mat, and Sebastian talking abouf cats or something. You giggled and continued to your own mat. Before you coumd lay down,  someone grabbed your arm. You looked to see Ciel with a noticable tired look on his face.

Can I talk to you for a moment in private, (y/n)?" Ciel askes in a light wisper.

You nodded and followed him to his office. He shut and locked the door behind you two. He breathed heavily and asked, "Are you Undertaker's fiancee?"

The question was sudden, but you answered Ciel none the less. "Yes, I am."

He processed the information for a second and... smiled. He walked up to you and gave you a warm hug. You slowly brought your arms up, hugging him back. "I'm happy for you," he whispered in your ear. 

He released the hug, his smile still on his face. You smiled back and followed him back towards the ball room. Before going down the stairs, he said, "If you need an older brother, I'll be here for you."

"Thank you, Ciel."

You finally got to your mat laid down, and closed your eyes, entering a dreamless slumber.

You decided to let Adrian sleep a while longer and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast because the perfect butler Sebastian Michaelis was also asleep.


Heheheh... I got a liiiiiiittle bored this time.

At least you have an older brother now, right?

I'm totally a good person


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