The Outdoors Can Be Dangerous

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"COME BACK HERE ADRIAN!!!" You chased the man around the parlor, trying to get him in some normal clothes before you went outside. He was the one who invited you to a picnic, but he knew better to think he could wander around in his 'normal' clothes.

"Fufufufu~" Adrian laughed the whole time you chased him. Just when you thought you were going to catch him, he moved ever so slightly out of your grasp. You would use your powers, but you knew that would end horribly.

"Okay, I give up, but at least I'M going to dress like a normal human being." You stomped up to your room and put on the (color) dress with a (color) outline. You then put on matching (color) boots and Adrian's hat.

When you arrived downstairs, a noticeable blush appeared on Adrian's face as he stared at you. "Staring is rude, Adrian~" you cooed. He laughed and linked his arm with yours.

"Shall we go then, (y/n)?"


You both exited the parlor into the bright sunlight. You had to squint your eyes for a moment before being able to see normally. Being in the darkly lit parlor has had an obvious affect. The two of you walked down the sidewalk towards the park, receiving strange looks from the people who passed you by.

"Isn't that the Undertaker?"

"What is that girl doing with that guy?"

You began to feel bad for Adrian, apparently he didn't seem too liked by the public. You re-thought your decision on having a picnic, it seemed that you'd just continue getting horrid comments. When you looked to Adrian, however, he seemed unaffected by the people's comments. He just held his goofy grin as you both walked to your picnic spot. You sighed and went along with it, putting on a happy expression to match Adrian's.

The two of you finally made it to the park and set up the picnic under the shade of a tree. You both chatted and laughed, but I think the parlor owner laughed the most. You were munching on a sandwich when Adrian's happy-go-lucky expression vanished.

"Stay here for a moment, (y/n)." He stared off in the distance and began walking in that direction. You looked that way to see a man with long red hair and red... everything...

Adrian was talking to the redhead as you moved closer to hear what was happening. You hid behind a tree and listened as much as possible to the conversation.

"Undertaker-sama, who was that girl you were with?" The redhead stomped around.

"Fufufu~ No need to be jealous, Grell," Adrian laughed.

"Bu-Bu-But she's just some ordinary girl!! You deserve someone like me!!" Grell tried to hug Adrian, but he moved to the side, making Grell face plant.

"Fufufufu~ How about you go chase that demon you love so dearly." He tried to shoo the redhead away.

"Hmph! I'll have you one day--!" You stumbled out behind the tree when some kids ran by. "Ahhhh~ Now if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were the girl Undertaker-sama was with a moment ago."

"Oops," you said to yourself. You looked over to Adrian, who had a dangerous yet happy look on his face.

"So... What's your name?" Grell asked.

"Um, (y/n)..." you said suspiciously. You didn't trust this man/woman at all, he/she seemed to attached to certain people. Like Adrian.

"Well, (y/n), don't do anything to my Undertaker-sama!" With that, he/she left, but you could've sworn you saw him/her jump at least 50 feet in the air...

"Don't mind Grell, he's always like that," Adrian said in a soothing manner.

You nodded and walked with him back to the picnic set-up. Once there, you both started packing everything up so you could return home.

The walk wasn't as long this time, you were deep in though about this 'Grell' person. He was a transgender... Or gay... Either way, he was strange and unnatural. Not wanting to insult him, he just seemed unnatural to you. Another thing bothered you a lot also...

What exactly did Adrian mean by 'demon'?


I know the chapter was short, but my friend wanted a chapter so I wrote it xDD

I suppose this this goodbye for now

No, I'm not gonna explain Grell


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