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You walked into the parlor from your morning stroll you decided to take to see that Adrian was not there. You turned your head to the side, puzzled.

"Adrian?" You called his name, thinking he might be hiding. "Adrian, if you're hiding, please come out.

But nobody came.

You searched the whole parlor for the white haired man, but he was nowhere to be found. You gave up on your search and thought he may be burying a coffin or just sitting in the graveyard for no reason. You sighed and sat in his chair to wait for 'customers.'

You waited.

And waited.

But nobody came.

You stood up and headed for the door to see if he actually was at the graveyard. Before you could even stand up, however, you heard the bell of the parlor, your head shooting towards that direction. It was none other than Adrian, but he seemed rather troubled. As he entered, another man came in. He wore silver glasses, a black suit, and his brown hair was slicked back. Strangely, he had the same eye color as Adrian. He seemed to be a very professional person who didn't want to deal with much, and constantly pushed his glasses up with what looked like hedge clippers. You looked to Adrian who just looked away, making your heart sink a little.

The man began to speak, causing both of you to turn your attention towards him, "I am William T. Spears, a reaper who isn't going to take your soul today. I came here to inform you on some important matters."

You furrowed your brow at the mention of him being a reaper and tried to ask, but he already began talking.

"Undertaker is also a reaper... A legendary reaper who has been retired for some time now. You are most likely puzzled by this fact and I cannot explain everything at this time. I came here to address your... relationship... with Undertaker. Reapers are forbidden to have any relationships with humans due to their long lasting life and their inability to reproduce with one another. The only time a child that was both human and a reaper has only happened once, and as such it is now a myth. The only reason I am telling you this is because reapers WILL eliminate you in the near future if this relationship continues. If you would be so kind as to end this soon, then I won't have any overtime. Now, if you will excuse, I have some souls to reap."

Adrian shut the door behind him, then turning to you with a sad expression on his face. He came over and wiped the tears that you weren't aware of off your face. He kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms around you. You returned his hug, feeling warmth flow through your body.

"Please understand, (Y/N). It's for the best..." He whispered in your ear.

"Where will I go now? I.. I don't want to leave you!" You shut your eyes, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to escape from your eyes.

"You'll stay with Ciel from now on. I'm so sorry, (Y/N)."

The tears managed to escape you, flowing like a waterfall from your eyes. Having to leave Adrian was something you didn't want to think about. The more it came into your train of thought, the more tears ran down your (s/c) face.

"You'll need to leave by morning. I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Adrian..."

Morning came faster than you wanted it to, you were packing your things while Adrian waited patiently downstairs to help carry them into the carriage. You made you way to the front door of the parlor, gathering your final look of the place before you left. Adrian slipped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder, rocking you side to side. He moved his hand to your face and gently turned it so he was looking into your (e/c) eyes. He moved in to give you a soft kiss on your lips, which you immediately melted into. He pulled away and took you bags to the carriage as Sebastian helped you enter it. Your gaze shifted to the window only to meet Adrian's. You waved to him with a sad smile as the carriage slowly went off. He did the same and you both waved until you could no longer see each other. You sighed and continued to look out the window, seeing London shops and people pass by. You felt yourself doze off, not even trying to keep yourself awake.

When you woke up next, you were in a bed, drenched in sweat and the sheets thrashed around. All you could remember from that dream was seeing Adrian and Grell, but that was all. You stood up from the bed and assumed Sebastian put you here when you arrived. A knock was heard at your door and allowed them to come in.

"The young master wished to see you when you are ready, my lady. I would assume you would like to wash up, since you are covered in sweat."

You nodded and headed for the bathroom. It was very polished and there wasn't a speck of dust to be seen. You turned the nob for the water, allowing it to get warm as you undressed. Your (s/c) feet slid into the warm tub, along with the rest of you body and allowed yourself to sit there for a moment before actually cleaning yourself up. You rubbed your hair with the shampoo that smelled of a variety of tropical fruits. You loved the smell, it reminded you of Adri--

You stop yourself from thinking of him and continued your bath. Once finished, you dried your hair and put on a (color) dress and shoes, and (color) stockings. As you leave the room, you grab Adrian's hat and fix it on top of your (h/c) locks. Sebastian appears behind you suddenly and guides you to Ciel's office, where he has stacks of papers awaiting to be filled out.

"Young master, Miss (Y/N) is here now."

"Hn. Have a seat over there, (Y/N). Sebastian, bring us some tea." Ciel points to a chair as he is saying this. You make your way to the chair and look over to Ciel, who seems to be a bit overworked.

"I apologize for you having to leave Undertaker, (Y/N). However, I'm sure you'll like it here just as much." You giggle, knowing that he truly enjoys your company.

"Anyways, we must go somewhere tomorrow for a case. I think it would be in your best interest to come along with us."

"Alright. Where are we going to?"

"That I cannot tell you. Just be ready by ten tomorrow morning."

You nod and continue on with a random conversation as you take the tea from Sebastian. You check the time and realize that he might want to get back to work. He freaks out at the time and tries to hurry with his work, shooing you and Sebastian away. The two of you laugh as you exit Ciel's study and head into the kitchen with Sebastian.

"I used to cook all the time at home, so I think I'm good enough to help you," you tell the tall male proudly.

He chuckles and agrees to your help. The day went on just like that; you helped Sebastian make every room in the manor clean after dinner and finally wen to bed at around eleven.

You went into your dream world in just a few moments of laying down in the soft bed. The dream you had wasn't a pleasant one.

The more you searched for him, the harder it got.

You were running out of options.

You called his name.


You called again, louder this time.


B u t   n o b o d y   c a m e .


Yes, I've been watching a liiiitttllle too much Undertale lately.

No, I'm not gonna stop.

Anyways, thanks to CeilTheCat for the William idea c:

And I know I'm late, but with Christmas and everything else that's going on, I haven't been able to update ;-;

At least you got a pretty long chapter this time though :D

tem go 2 cool leg and mak uz proudz!!

- From Temmie

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