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A normal day was passing by fairly slow as you worked in Undertaker's parlor. Due to the lack of windows, it was hard to tell what the weather was like outside, but the weather was the least of your concerns. You had an odd feeling in your gut, having the urge to see your parents... well, your mother in particular. Undertaker took notice to your odd behavior and tried to settle you down with some tea, but his attempts were in vain. As you cleaned out the coffins, you had a paranoid look splattered on your face. You had a strange feeling that your parents were in danger, the problem was thst you didn't have a clue on their whereabouts.

The more you thought about what coukd be happening, the more a headache started to form. Your (e/c) eyes scanned the tea on Undertaker's desk, making you realize how dry your throat was. Undertaker must have noticed your stare and pushed a cup of tea towards you. Your (size), (s/c) hands grabbed the warm cup and began chugging it down. After thanking the Undertaker, you got back to work.

Only a muinute passed when the door flew open and two soaked men, carrying one body each, stood in the doorway. The man on the right looked like he was in his mid 20's with brown hair and green eyes, wearing a caramel suit. The other seemed the same age and had blond hair with blue eyes and wore a dark blue suit. They shut the parlor's door, blocking the outside rain and walked up to Undertaker.

The blond spoke in a paniced voice, "This is the funeral parlor, right?"

Undertaker smiled in delight, "Why yes it is, do those guests need to be fit for a coffin?"

The two men nodded warily at the silvered haired man, and placed the bodies on the floor. "Um... Don't you want some money in exchange?"

"I've no need for the Queen's coins! This is enough pay for me."

The men left the store, wearing a scared expression. 'What's up with them? Besides Undertaker,' you thought curiously. You turned your head towards Undertaker as he called your name. His expression was quite serious, "You may want to look at this."

You looked down at the faces and almost immidiatly your skin went pale and your eyes widened. The faces you were looking at... were your parents.

The strange feelings you had in your gut about your parents was set into place. There they lay, their faces pale and filled with peace. A dead peace.

"Who did this...?" you questioned, your whold body quivering as if you could collapse right there. "WHO WOULD DO THIS?!" At this point your anger and sadness was out of control.

"(Y/n) please calm down," Undertaker tried his best to sooth you, but it was in vain. "I'll set the funeral for tomorrow, so get some rest."

You nodded in agreement and headed up the stairs. You flopped on your bed, bawling your eyes out in your pillow, eventually falling asleep.

It was noon and Big Ben's clock bells could be heard all around London. Ciel, Sebastian, and Undertaker stood with you at your parent's graves as you set down the bouquet of (color) flowers. Tears rolled down your (s/c) cheeks as you went through the memories you had with them, even the unpleasant ones.

Everyone eventually left, leaving you alone at their grave stones. The silence seemed to speak to you the more you listened, as if your deseasced parents were trying to tell you something. You began to drift off in the graveyard, but before falling asleep completely, you felt a pair of arms pick you up. Being too tired to care you it was, you fell limpless in their arms.

When you awoke next, you didn't feel like moving. Just drifting into a never ending slumber and soom join your parents. Your (h/c) hair covered your face as you curled into a ball. No emotions passses through you, nothing appealed to you. Everything in life seemed meaningless to you now, and even the love you had for Undertaker vanished in thin air. A knock was made clear at your door, but you didn't move an inch. The door creeked open and footsteps were heard approaching your bed. You felt the bed dip and someone beginning to rub your back in an attempt to calm you.

"(Y/n), you can't dwell on their loss forever, and you know that." He planted a light kiss on your cheek and walked off.

For several hours you lay there, curled into your ball, shutting everyone and everything out. Undertaker tried numorous times to get you to eat, but refused everytime. He tried to make you laugh, get you outside, have a dance with you, but you never moved once. There were days that went by of this. You didn't care about anything anymore, not even yourself. Undertaker seemed to have had it with your behaviour. He picked you up and made you stand up on your feet, but you gave a blank expression. 

"(Y/n), why are you acting this way? Where's the girl who laughed at everything with me?"


"Please, tell me what's wrong."



"What's the point of going on if I'm just going to be alone, without any family?" Your voice was raspy due to lack of use for the past days you've been in thst ball.

"(Y/n), am I not family to you by now? What about Ciel and Sebastian? They're family too," he kissed you softly on the lips, "You will never be alone, not when I'm around."

You began to cry, pulling Undertaker into a tight hug, "I'm sorry, Undertaker..." you managed to get out.

He smiled warmly at you, "There's nothing to be sorry about,  just let it all out..."

A few moments passed when you hsd finally ran out of tears to shed, your (e/c) eyes now red and puffy. Undertaker helped clean you up and began walking you downstairs to get some tea

Before exiting the room, however, he had one more thing to say, "Call me Adrian."

"Adrian..." You said to yourself. "Yeah... I like that name better, Adrian."

Adrian smiled once again and continued to head downstair with you beside him. It seemed he was completely right, there was no way he was going to let you go so easily.

But that's why you love him so much.


Aahhhh... depressing chapters...

Don't worry I'll be making another chapter like this in the future... Maybe...

Thank you for reading


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