A normal day

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Atsushi pov:

This was a normal day for Atsushi .Saving Dazai from drowning and doing his (Dazai's And his) job. That is, until Dazai told him this at the end of the day.

"OH Atsushi I almost forgot. You're going on missions with Akutagawa tomorrow!"

"What!!!!????" Atsushi shouted."And you Have hands in it, isn't that right!!??You know we hate each other!!!"

"Don't be so angry, it's just a mission.~" Dazai said with a smile as he got up and quickly left home.

'Ugh, I hate this whole thing' Atsushi thought as he started to walk away from the Agency.

And just as he turned to the corner, he quickly entered a small alley and started calling someone.

"Oh Hey Chuuya-san how have you been?"

"Pretty good, do you have any news?"Said a mysterious male voice from the phone.

"Did you know I'm going on a mission with Akutagawa tomorrow?" Atsushi said.

"Oh Yeah, and he was also quite angry about it tho" said the redhead from the phone.

"Ah... So then" Atsushi said quietly"And when can I finally stop playing the good guy and do Dazai's work?" Atsushi said, quietly hoping.

"I Have a feeling that pretty soon." said Chuuya.

"Okay, thank you" and with that Atsushi turned off the mobile and went home.

~Next day~

Atsushi normally went to work and was given the information . There he learned that they have to get information about a certain man who basically kidnaps the girlfriends of some guys , who go to the balls he organizes. This means that they will have to pretend that they are together with Akutagawa.

'That means I'll have to pretend I'm with Akutagawa!!!???? But we Are both boys'.Atsushi thought.

"But we're both boys so how are we going to do it???!!" shouted Atsushi.

"Don't worry Atsushi, I took care of everything," Dazai said calmly. "Akutagawa will pretend to be a woman, that means you just have to change your clothes . "Dazai said with a smirk.

"Uf , ok then."said Atsushi.
'Akutagawa As girl ! Akutagawa as girl ! Akutagawa as........ ' Atsushi  thought.

~Next time~

This is my first story so I hope you liked it.☺️(365 words - I'm So proud of myself)

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