What's going on ... ???

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Atsushi pov:

We got tea and sat on the couch. Chuuya-san's eyes were still a little puffy from crying, but he calmed down. He took a slow breath and prepared to explain everything to us.

"a few years ago when Dazai was still in the mafia and we were both eighteen we started dating. We were young and doing a lot of stupid things like: kissing in the office.

But when he left the pm, I was angry and hurt. A few months ago we happened to meet and put back together. The day before yesterday I found out that Abaharaki affected my body and that I am 2 weeks pregnant.

When I found out I was completely out of my mind and Ryuu noticed it so I explained everything to him because trust him.He tried to distract me so that I wouldn't be stressed and started telling me that he knew about our relationship because, he once saw me and Dazai.

We started talking and laughing,


until I realized there were cameras there.We then went to sneak into a special office to erase the records, but in the process we came across old records of Dazai slapping Gin, probably due to some mission glitch."Chuuya finished and glared at Dazai.

"We both know that Ryuu is able to endure anything, as long as he is grateful to that person for saving him or his sister. He tries his best to show how grateful he is to that person. But when something happens to her, it doesn't matter who that person is or what he did, he's automatically an no.1 enemy." Chuuya said seriously.


A drop of sweat fell from Dazai's forehead to the ground. He knew all this, that's why he preferred to 'train' Akutagawa. But when there was no way around and he had to 'take care' of Gin, it had to be out of Akutagawa's sight every time.


There was silence.


No one dared to speak.


Only Akutagawa was killing Dazai with his eyes.

There was a tense silence for a moment until Chuuya grabed his stomach and let out a small moan.Which got all the attention. Akutagawa and Dazai quickly rushed to him to help him.

"What the hell is going on!!??" I asked.

"This is n-normal... It's just that my body is slowly getting used to the baby inside. Aghhh .... ! I'm hungry again but I'm throwing up everything ... !"Chuuya complained.

"You must eat something. What would you like? I'll try to cook it or get it." Akutagawa said in a soft worried voice.

"But everything tastes disgusting!!!" Chuuya complained louder."That child wants to torture me to death! It's hell!!"he continued.

"Looks like he doesn't have the same tastes as you." Dazai said, standing up quickly and grabbing his coat. "I'll get something. I think you could eat it. I'll be right back!!!" he said as he left the house.

After a few minutes he was back carrying some food in bag. He gave it to Chuuya and he opened it and smelled it before he started eating without hesitation. When he finished eating, he thanked him quietly and wrapped himself in the blanket again.

"So it looks like the child has inherited the cravings from me. And now just hope that he inherits the style and height from me too." he said with a small smile.

Chuuya looked at him and smiled back, but then froze as if ice water had poured over him and tears began to fall from his eyes.

"Chuuya sorry !! Did I said something wrong!???!! I am sorry!!! I didn't mean it like that!!! Dazai quickly began to apologize and approached him.

Akutagawa Akutagawa also quickly approached and I was the only one sitting there not knowing what to do.

"Do you see what you are doing!!?? You made him cry again!!!" said Akutagawa.

"I did not want to !!!" Dazai argued back .

"Does It means ....



"that I will have to eat crab and mackerel for nine whole months??!!!" he asked angrily.

~Next time~

I'm sorry I haven't done a chapter in so long, but I'm going to fix it now. I will try to work as before. I honestly did not expect to have so many views and thank you very much.I hope you liked the chapter. And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me and...

Ernie (my pet, which I've had for almost half a year now)

Bye ! ♥️

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