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Atsushi pov:

In the end, everything turned out well. Gin didn't kill me and Chuuya and I discussed what to do tomorrow because I don't want to be with the agency anymore. Dazai will know everything in advance and thanks to his great playing skills they won't figure it out.

The plan is simple: at the end of the day, the people from pm will come there with Ryuu and pick me up. That way we'll reveal my big secret and then I'll go home with Ryuu. As I said. Simple.

After the arrangement, I went with Ryuu and Gin to accompany them home. They talked to each other the whole time and ignored me. And I walked next to them!!!! I get it from Gin, but Ryuu too ???!!! The worst thing is that he didn't even notice it!!! You just talked to her like I wasn't there!!! Gin was mocking me the whole time with her look. I got angry and took Ryu's hand and he just looked at me and blushed. He then looked back at Gin and they continued talking, but he squeezed my hand to tell me he knew I was here.

As soon as I led them to their apartment I gave Ryu a big kiss and Gin a mocking look. But she just looked away angrily. ' Ha !! take that !!!' I thought.

After I got home I just wanted to get a good night's sleep. But Kyoka was curious and involved me with questions that I had to answer. After it finally finished I went to sleep, but when I looked at the clock I learned that it was already late at night. I just sighed and went to sleep. After all, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

~ Next day ~

Today is that day. I sit at my desk and do my work. My last work here at the agency. I discreetly count every minute to the end. When it's almost time, I glance at Dazai when Ranpo isn't looking. He looks back at me and nods.

Then Ryuu and his people come in which totally throws my 'CoLlAbOrAtOrS'. I just smirk. Exactly as I expected. Dazai had already begun to play his part. Naturally, I went to Ryuu and took his hand. I just watched their horrified expressions with a smirk.

"Like I said. I'm not giving any information to my boyfriend. He found out about this recently. I'm giving the information to Chuuya-san or just Mori-san. I've been working like this since the beginning. Pm is not a nice place but this is not either. At least I don't pretend in pm and they are honest with each other. Oh, and Kunikido. If I find out you're gossiping about my friend, I'll kill you this time." I said still with a smirk. The others were either too frozen to say anything or didn't know what to say. As Ryuu and I were about to leave, Kunikida finally woke up from his trance and couldn't think of anything else but to attack us. Ryuu was about to attack but I was faster and punched him in the stomach with my human fist. He only managed to spit out blood before he flew to the other wall.

"This isn't even my full strength. I haven't even really used my abilities. So goodbye agency." I said and smiled at the end of the sentence. I took Ryuu's hand again and we finally left the building. Ryuu's men then left and it was just the two of us.

"How about you sleep at my place tonight??? I have a bed big enough for both of us. I only lived with Kyoka temporarily ." I said looking at Ryuu. But he just turned as red as a tomato. Only then did I realize what I said. "No no no! I don't mean it like that! I wouldn't try anything without your permission anyway. Not that I had any plans !! "I said embarrassed. 'Damn!!! What is wrong with me !!!!???' I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and then calmly looked at my tomato-like boyfriend again. " I didn't mean it in any bad way. We can just watch a movie. I'll lend you some clothes and we'll do the same thing with bed just like when you were paralyzed. " I said.

After a while he returned to normal with rosy cheeks. "O-ok... But I'll take my own clothes." He said seriously. I just nodded.

"Okay. I'll escort you and then lead you to my apartment" he just nodded and squeezed my hand.

The best evening and night of my life.

~End of the story ~

My next story will be called: Akutagava's Nephew (omegaverse)

I don't know when I'll start writing it or when I'll finish it. I was on a school trip all week so I couldn't write. I am sorry. I hope you liked the story and bye 😘.

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