the A.D.A.

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Akutagawa pov:

'He was with pm the whole time?!! And Chuuya-san didn't say anything to me either. If only I wasn't paralyzed, I would show him how angry I am. Within seconds he would have a leg less now! .... WAIT!! He said he will take care of me!! I'd rather lay there for two days than something like that!!'I thought as Jinko carried me bridgal style.

When we finally arrived, the A.D.A. members looked at us as if we were crazy.

"Yosano-san could you please look at him ? He was paralyzed by some drug. " Jinko said calmly.

Yosano had apparently woken up from her trance, Because she blinked and got up.

"Is this seriously Akutagawa?"

Dazai just smirked and Jinko just nodded.

"See for yourself if you don't believe it. But since his mentor is on a 2 weeks mission and his sister is coming back in 5 days, I guess I'll have to take care of him. So I'll have to take 2 days off." Jinko said.

Yosano slowly came closer and took off my wig. Then she noticed that I had a small pocket on the side of my dress. When she reached into it and then pulled something out and I just blushed. It was a photo of me and Gin as Chuuya-san was hugging us. Below the photo was the inscription: Maybe Both Akutagawas are mean,.... but they got embarrassed easylly. -From Chuuya.

After she read it out loud, I just blushed. Dazai laughed a little before He said:

"I always knew"

Yosano smiled and said:

"Is this your sister? You look so much like her twin like this. Let's go to my Office and have a look at you. It will only be a moment, then Atsushi will take you home."As soon as she said that, she started to go to her office. Atsushi followed right behind her with me in his arms. "And Atsushi you've grown taller somehow and I'm guessing it's not because of those shoes" she said when we finally got there.

"You know... I didn't get much to eat in the orphanage, and now that I have what I need, I guess I've grown up (I don't know if that makes sense). Or maybe it's thanks to the tiger."he said calmly as he slowly placed me on the chair and stayed right beside me So I wouldn't fall.

She just nodded as she started checking at me.

"Everything seems fine. In a day he could slowly start moving - like his face, his fingers and start talking. He should be able to move in two days. You don't have to worry about time off, I think Kunikida already took care of that."Now she turned to me and said." And he probably told your boss about it too, so you don't have to worry Akutagawa . " She said.

' Oh... So the boss knows all about it.' I Sighed a little bit.

"And you'll probably have to feed him. And when you take him home, please change him into something else, because he can't stay in this costume."She said completely as if it was normal.

'He will change my clothes!!!??? She's got to be kidding me!!!!No!! help me please!!! Jinko just say something!!! Please!!!' I thought as I started to panic inside.

"Okay, thank you Yosano-san. Bye!" Jinko said as he picked me up bridgal style and walked out of the A.D.A. with a smile that then turned into smirk as soon as we turned around the corner.

'Oh no...' I thought to myself.

~Next Time~

I don't even know if it makes sense anymore 🥲. But I still hope you enjoyed it.

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