the ball (part 2)

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Akutagawa pov:

Our target started flirting with me like an obsessive as soon as Jinko moved away. That's why it wasn't difficult to lure him into the alley right behind this mansion where the ball was.

But I started to have a bad feeling. As if something should happen. Something bad. And I also didn't like that he kept looking at me with those hungry eyes.

'I should calm down. Jinko should probably notice that I'm not there.' I thought to myself.

Just when I thought it would finally be over, the pervert started pulling me by the hand into another, darker alley. He threw me against the wall and took both of my hands and put them over my head so that I couldn't defend myself.He put his knee between my legs and smirked.

"I thought you were a woman, but that's okay you're still cute and that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun~" said the man and his ugly smirk just grew bigger.

I started to feel really uncomfortable and so I used Rashomon to get him off me. But that didn't work and before I knew it he injected me with something. Suddenly I felt really weak and couldn't concentrate on anything and not even on the control of Rashmon.

Suddenly several men appeared around him (probably his guards), there were about 7 or 8 of them.

" You're cuter than the others, so maybe I'll keep you. And if I was you, I would stop trying to use my ability. You're only going to hurt yourself like this," he said as he started giggling like a crazy. "This is my special new drug and it works on ability users as well. It should slowly paralyze you and confuse your senses, but don't worry you will be fine in 1-2 days. But  right now you resist it. Interesting. But It doesn't matter, it will make an impression in no time."Said target (pervert 🤮).

"Thanks for the info. I didn't expect it to be so easy," said a too-much-familiar voice.

'Jinko'I thought 'Finally!'

~Next time~

In the next chapter will have a bit more action.😘

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