Care (part 2)

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Akutagawa pov:

When I slowly started to wake up in the morning, I noticed that something big and warm was pressing on my back. It was pleasant, but also heavy. When I slowly started to open my eyes and looked behind me, I saw: Jinko !!!!!???

'What the hell is that idiot doing??!! Didn't He say he wouldn't do anything???!!' I thought to myself.

But at that moment he started to snuggle closer to me and I could only think of one thing: gay panik.

"Damn" I whispered. But then I realized that I could speak again. I tried to move my fingers, but it didn't work, they were probably still stiff.

But then I had an idea how to get out of this situation.

"Jinko, you stupid weretiger!!! Get off me!!!" I shouted at him.

Then it started to seem like he woke up and so I continued to shout because he still didn't get off me.

"You are incredibly heavy!!! You will crush me!!!" I continued.

It seems that he only now realized that He was hugging me and quickly sat up. Then he looked at me scared and said:

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?! Or Do you need something ?"He began to ask.

"I'm fine, you're just too heavy. And what was it supposed to be? I thought we were supposed to be on one half of the bed !"I said angrily.

"Hey!! It is not my fault. I've never slept next to anyone. And it's basically your fault! " he started arguing back.

" And how it is my fault!? " I said.

"If you weren't so warm and comfortable, this wouldn't have happened!" Jinko said in a flustered voice.

I just blushed at his words. This situation was getting worse and worse. And as a bonus, I started wanting to use the restroom really badly. There was only silence between us.



"wait... You can talk again..." Said Jinko.

"Yes, i Can ! That's what the doctor said yesterday. ..... And Jinko , ... could you please take me to the restroom???" I said with red cheeks.

"Yeah...Sure. Just give me a minute, I'll go get some water first." Jinko said as he slowly got up and started walking to the kitchen .

Atsushi pov:

'How is he so cute!!?? He can't blame me for snuggling up to him when he's so warm. And he didn't say it was uncomfortable, so he liked it too.' I thought.

As soon as I reached the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of water and drank it all at once. Then I took another glass and filled it with water for Akutagawa.

' Kyoka should be back in about an hour. And I should also buy breakfast after we both get ready.' I thought to myself .

Then I went back to the bedroom and sat Akutagawa down and gave him some water to drink.

Then I helped him to the restroom, and then I changed him just like yesterday, except that, we were arguing the whole time.

'I have to say that I liked him better when he couldn't talk. 'I thought to myself.

I then picked him up bridgal style and started carrying him into the living room and placed him on the couch.

" I'll go buy us something for breakfast. I'll be back in 5 min." I said as I started walking to the door and putting on my shoes.

"So hold on here without me cutie !" I said before walking out the door.

Akutagawa pov:

'He called me cutie!!!?? You must be kidding me, right? Right!? Damn it, I have to stop! There's no hope that he'll like me too, right? Haaaah I have to stop!'I thought to myself.

Exactly as he said, he returned after 5 minutes and brought breakfast.

               ~After breakfast ~

Jinko was angrily washing the dishes while I sat on the couch looking at him. Why was he angry? Because I didn't even eat half of my breakfast and according to him there wasn't much on that plate. I'm not used to eat so much and he forced me, so we had a fight and now we don't talk.

"sigh "...." How about we make a bet on something ? " I said, hoping to at least start a conversation.

"Sure, but the one who loses has to do what the other wants. And I'm not going to spare you just because you're cute," he said with smirk.

"You'd have to win that to give me a task. And I'm sure that won't happen." I said also with a smirk, but also with red cheeks ( Because of that nickname)

                ~After making a bet~

Noone pov :

Then Kyoka finally came home and saw the two sitting next to each other watching a movie (I don't know what movie, so just imagine something about vampires and werewolves) .

"You stupid Jinko, clearly vampires are better than some werewolves!!” Akutagawa said.

"Of course you think that when you are trying to become one. Werewolves are 100% better!"Atsushi said.

"I'm not trying to become anything like that! And you're only saying that just because you're a weretiger!! " Akutagawa said back .

"Ahem" said Kyoka.

Atsushi turned to look at her. Akutagawa couldn't even turn to her because he was still paralyzed.

" OH hello Kyoka!" Atsushi said.

"Hi Kyoka." Akutagawa said rather quietly.

"Hello ." Kyoka said.

"Kyoka What do you think is better: a vampire or a werewolf"Atsushi said.

"That's a surprisingly good question from you Jinko. Which do you think is better Kyoka?" Akutagawa said.

"Umm .... I don't know." Said Kyoka.

"Come on, what do you think is better?"Jinko said again.

"Well.... It's -"

                  ~Next time~

Hello and I hope you liked the chapter.This is my longest chapter. Which do you think is better? Vampires or Werewolves? Like if a vampire looks like a 15 year old and is over 100 and falls in love with a 15 year old girl isn't he more of a pedophile? But I find vampires more romantic and passionate. Ugggh - I just don't know myself.😶

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