the ball

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I'm just slowly walking to our meeting place. Yosano-san made me wear these high boots. Like yeah I know we're almost the same height but...ugh

I just arrived in front of the cafe and just in time. I was already afraid that I would be late.

But then I looked in front of me and saw that Akutagawa was there. I wanted to call him but then I froze. 'he looks so beautiful' .... 'wait what!!? I am gay ?!!? ......Wait, no, I'm not, I'm more of a Bi🤔. I can't take my eyes off him. And he looks pretty cute. I never thought I would think that. ... WAIT how long have I been staring at him !!!??? I should do something or it will be weird. Do something!! Do something !! Do something!!!' I thought nervously.

"ahem" that was everything that come out of me.

He then turned around and I could only stare in awe. 'cute' I thought.

I must have stared a little too long because he blushed and looked at the ground.

'and this was even cuter!'

"You're 5 minutes late.” he said when he finally looked back at my face.

"I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away" I answered calmly. "Could we go now ?" I said as I held out my hand to him.

At first he looked hesitantly at my hand before taking it and we finally went to the ball.

The plan was that we would act as a couple first. Then when we spot our target, I will go to the restroom And Wait for him and he will go to the target And Distrack him, Then lead him around the corner And we will  together get the information out of him.Once we do that he will be useless to us.

Our target was already in place, so we decided to at least play couple ,So that we won't be suspicious. We had champagne and I decided to start a conversation so it wouldn't be so awkward.

"is it uncomfortable?" I said the first thing that came to my mind.'nice 🥲 I'm sure he'll hate me for this question even more' I thought to myself.

"It's not that bad, it's just awfully short," he said.

'Uf' i said to myself.

We then started a small conversation. After a few minutes I decided it was time.I told him I was going to the restroom.

As I was slowly leaving, I noticed that our target came to him himself.And that pervert started flirting with him. He started flirting with him, not Akutagawa but the target!!

As I slowly started to go to the restroom, I started to feel anger building. I felt it and knew exactly what it was - jealousy.

                      ~ Next time ~

Yay ! More than 450 words! I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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