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Atsushi pov:

I smirked all the way back afterwards. This way I will learn more about Akutagawa and maybe try Dazai's technique (flirting).

As soon as we arrived, I carefully placed him on the couch.

"Now explain to me. Do you eat anything at all? Don't think I didn't notice. Now explain it to me. I am 100% sure that you weigh less than 50 kg."I said with an icy look.

He looked at me with a horrified expression. ' How does he f*cking know!!?? What the hell am I supposed to do when I can't think of something to tell him?!!? And I can't even talk So what does he expect to do ??!!!' Akutagawa thought.

"Fine. I'll leave it at that for now since you can't talk but don't think I will forget."Then I just sighed and smiled.

"Stay there. I'll change and get you some clothes to sleep in since it's late."I said and he just looked at me .

"I take that look as approval."I said before turning around and going to get my things.

I had to grow up more than I realized. Almost all my clothes were too small for me. I'd better wear those White shorts and go pick something for Akutagawa. I took him my normal grey sleep t-shirt (which used to fit me) and my black sleep shorts.

Then I went back to the living room and it dawned on me: I'm going to have to change his clothes. It must have dawned on him too, because he blushed.

'How come he looks so hot!!!??And where is his shirt??!! How come he has so many scars and muscles? WAIT!!! Now he's going to have to change my clothes???!! Nooooo please nooooo!!!' thought Akutagawa.

"Looks like I'm going to have to
change your clothes" I said as I tried to not smirk.

"but we probably won't bathe today. I'm too exhausted for that and would still have to bathe you too." I said as I sat in front of him so I could undress him. He started to blush incredibly. I just laughed.

'soooo cute!' I thought to myself.

"Shall I start?" I asked.


"Why I'm even asking."

I slowly removed his dress and shoes so he was only in his underwear.

" I'll take them off for you and I swear I won't look" I said but when I looked at his face I just saw some human tomatoe.

' NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Do not do it! don't do it !don't do it!' thought Akutagawa.

I slowly looked away and changed his underwear to sleep shorts.

"see? I wasn't looking." I said as I looked into his face. His face still looked the same (Still Paralyzed) , but his eyes could kill. I just gulped and looked at the ground.

Then I took the shirt and put it on him. I looked at him and noticed that my clothes were hanging on him. I laughed a little at that.

"You know you look really cute in that." I said watching him blush once more.

"Now it's time to eat. Kyoka would normally be here, but she's going to have sleepover with Kenji tonight. And since neither of us can cook, we have instant ramen. Wait here a minute and I'll prepare it." I said as I went to the kitchen and made two ramen.

When I came back, I started to feed him slowly and carefully so that he wouldn't choke . Then I ate my ramen and cleaned up the dishes.

"Normally I would sleep in the closet and Kyoka in the bed. But I think in case if something happened to you, I should stay with you." I said as I came back and picked him up bridgal style and started walking to the bedroom.

Then I put him on the bed and said:

"Calm down. I won't do anything stupid. I swear."

Then I lay down next to him and covered us both with blanket.

' Ok . Calm down. It's just your crush in your bed and your pajamas. Ahhhhhhgh!! What the hell am I doing?!! I need to calm down and sleep or it's going to get even weirder!' I thought to myself.

' What the hell is going on with my life!!! This is not normal!! I swear that as soon as I can move I will beat him unconscious!!! But now all I can do right now is sleep.....So good night Jinko ...'Akutagawa thought.

Noone pov :

Both of them slowly stopped thinking and fell asleep. As the night progressed, however, Atsushi began to slowly move closer to the warmth next to him and began to cuddle up to it.

~Next time~

I hope you liked the chapter. I'm writing it now late at night, so I apologize for any mistakes .Thanks for reading!

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