the revelation of secrets

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As soon as I noticed that they were already gone I wanted to follow them, but they probably had to go to another alley Because they weren't in this alley around the corner.But Thanks to my tiger smell I found them.

But when I found them, Akutagawa was leaning against the wall and it looked like he couldn't stay on his feet anymore. Unlike him, our target was standing across from him and was happily talking about his drug. At least 7 or 8 guards were standing around them.

'Now I've had enough!!' I thought as I slowly began to turn my hands into paws.

"Thanks for the info, I didin't expect IT to be so easy ." I said as I tried to stay calm.

"Another puppet? I'm not interested in you..... Guards. Kill."

As soon as he finished, everyone started shooting at me. They didn't call me a man-eating tiger for fun. Within seconds all the guards were dead and the only one left was the target. My rage must have turned me into a tiger because I bit off his head and watched as his loose body fell to the ground.

I then looked at Akutagawa and saw his scared face.

'shit! Now I'm going to have to tell him all about it.' I thought to myself.

Akutagawa pov :

I couldn't even move. I don't know if it was from the shock or from the injection. I just watched as Jinko just ate our target's head and turn back into a human within seconds. Then he looked at me and he froze as if he just now realized what he had done.

"Are you okay?" He asked as if nothing had happened.

'If I'm fine???!! He just ate someone's head!!! Will they even accept him back into A.D.A !!? And of course I won't answer him when I was paralyzed!!' I thought I was just looking at him with sad and angry eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything to you. I just have to call someone. It'll only be a minute." He said before pulling out his cell phone.

Atsushi pov:

On mobile:

*Oh hello Chuuya-san

-Why are you calling me ? Is something wrong ?

*I'm on a mission with Akutagawa right now and I killed a bunch of people who were working for the target and Akutagawa is paralyzed.

-What??!! And you say that to me so calmly?!!


-if it's true, there's no one to take care of Akutagawa. I will be at mission for 2 weeks and Gin is coming back in 5 days.

- How long will he be paralyzed?

*1-2 days. But if you can't, I'll take care of him

-Really? Well then, thank you. And I'll send someone to take care of those bodies. Good luck.Bye

*Bye Chuuya-san!


"Ok, that would be. I think you heard the conversation so it'll probably be easier to understand. Before Dazai saved me, Chuuya-san saved me and took care of me, but then I got lost and Dazai found me . I was with pm from the beginning, That means I was a double agent from the start."I said with a smile.

"So it looks like I'm taller than you now. But it is probably Because I ate a human and this is my original height that I should have grown to if I ate humans normally." I said as I walked closer to him. He blushed slightly and I picked him up bridgal style.

"Yes, and from now on I will have to take care of you for these 2 days. But first we will have to go to A.D.A. ."I said as I slowly started walking towards A.D.A..

~Next time~

My longest chapter ever!!! Yay!!!! I hope you liked it .

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