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Atsushi pov:

"I like witches the most."Kyoka said.

"But we want to know if a vampire or a werewolf?" Akutagawa said.

"In that case ....


" A vampire." Kyoka finally said.


" WHAT !!!!??? Kyoka how could you !!!?? " I said.

"I just find vampires more romantic and passionate." She said as if it was supposed to be an apology.

"Why do you all think vampires are better!!???" I yelled in frustration.

“I've said it just now. And Akutagawa-san must have the same opinion since he has a full library of vampire romance books at home." Kyoka said innocently.

"Those books are not romantic!!!" Akutagawa said angrily.

"So you like romance books, huh?" I said teasingly.

"I do not !!!!" shouted Now all red Akutagawa .

Noone pov:

The rest of the day went smoothly: Atsushi bought lunch and then they continued watching movies.

But when it was dinner time and Atsushi went to buy something - Kyoka got bored alone with Akutagawa and got an idea. (Let's just say it wasn't the best idea.)

"Hello... I'm back." Atsushi said as he took off his shoes and walked slowly into the living room only to see Kyoko putting on Akutagawa make-up.

""JINKO!!! Help me !!! please !!!" Akutagawa said as soon as he heard someone's footsteps.

"Atsushi-kun! Welcome back! Come ! take a look!" Kyoka said excitedly.

Atsushi went to take a look and secretly took out his phone from his pocket.

"Jinko, please do something!!" Akutagawa said sadly.

"I'll do something, just let me take the blackmail" said Atsushi with a smile as he started taking pictures of Akutagawa.

After what seemed like an eternity to Akutagawa, Atsushi stopped and helped Akutagawa take it off.

Then they had dinner, changed their clothes and got ready for bed.

Since Akutagawa no longer needed supervision if something happened, because he could talk again, he slept on the couch. Kyoka slept as usual in the bed and Atsushi in the closet.


Atsushi pov:

I woke up in the morning to the smell of something delicious. I slowly opened the closet and noticed that Kyoka was not in bed. Then I got out of the closet and rubbed my eyes. But the delicious smell did not give me peace, so I started to go to the kitchen to figure out what it was.

'I don't know what I expected but certainly not this' I thought .

Akutagawa was standing in front of me, telling Kyoka something about cooking while she was mixing something in a bowl.

"Put a little more flour in there. It should be better this way." Akutagawa said .

Kyoka nodded and did as she was told.

"ahem!" I said to get their attention.

“Good morning Atsushi-kun." Kyoka said.

"Morning Jinko." Akutagawa said.

"What are you doing here? " I asked.

" Can't you see? Breakfast, you stupid weretiger."Akutagawa said.

"Really? I didn't know you could cook. And it's good that you can walk again." I said.

"Of Course I can cook. I've been in the pm since I was 14 and I had to learn how to cook to take care of Gin. Also, Chuuya-san and Kouyou-san are very good cooking teachers." Akutagawa said .

"Akutagawa-san started making pancake batter in the morning and I asked him if he would teach me. And he agreed so now I will be able to make at least one meal. Don't you want to try it too? " Kyoka asked.

"I'd like to try it, but Chuuya-san already tried to teach me how to cook, but in the end he said I'm at Dazai's cooking level" I said with a weird smile.

" So you set Chuuya-san's kitchen on fire, just like Dazai-san...?" Akutagawa asked after a while.

"WHAT!!?? I - well - it wasn't THAT bad - I  !!" I tried to defend myself "I - I mean - I put it out right away!!!"

"You'd better go sit at the dining table. I don't want to put out any fire . Come on Kyoka. We will continue.” Akutagawa said.

And I had no choice but to listen and go sit at the dining table.

After a while, some of Kyoka's pancakes were ready, so Kyoka and I sat down and tried them while Akutagawa finished the rest.

Kyoka's pancakes were good but As soon as I tried one of Akutagawa's pancakes, I was in heaven. It was obvious that he had experience with them.

"You know Akutagawa.... you'd make a wonderful housewife." I said with smirk.

He just blushed and hissed. "I only did it because store food is unhealthy and I felt sorry for you" he said and looked away.

After we argued again and I forced him to take at least one pancake, he changed his clothes and left.

                   ~Next time~

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I can't wait to Finish this story and start writing the next story that came to mind. Alternatively, I will write the title at the end of this story.

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