What !!??

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Atsushi pov:

It's been almost more than 2 weeks and we haven't seen Akutagawa since then. From then on it was boring, another boring day at work, until of course Dazai did something again.

Suddenly, Dazai's cell phone started ringing. He went outside the door and came back with a horrified expression. He wasn't even smiling anymore. He just slowly sat down on the couch, put his hands in his lap and stared at nothing.

I slowly walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Dazai-san, you know you can tell me anything right? "I said carefully.

He just smiled at me and said.

"I think you're right. I guess I need help with something. But there's no time for that right now, so after work." He said with icy calmness.

"Ok" I replied.

After I finished my (and Dazai's) work, Dazai grabbed my hand and started leading me somewhere.When we arrived at the place and we were standing in front of a smaller but beautiful house.

Then Dazai nervously knocked on the door. From behind the door, you could hear soft crying and also someone's footsteps, which were approaching.

When the door finally opened, in the doorway stood Akutagawa.

"What are you doing here?" Dazai asked.

"That's none of your business." Akutagawa said icily, but then looked at me and his gaze softened.

But that didn't stop our shock. Right now, Akutagawa was being rude to Dazai.

'Akutagawa was rude to Dazai!! The world is f*cking ending!!!!' I thought to myself.

After we finally recovered from the shock, Dazai looked at Akutagawa in disbelief.

"Akutagawa, I don't have time for this! Just let me talk to him!" Dazai said as he pushed past Akutagawa and ran inside.

Akutagawa and I looked at each other and we went inside. Curiosity was eating me inside. 'What could make Dazai-san lose his cool and run after it? ' I thought.

When we finally got to the living room, we saw Dazai-san hugging some whimpering ball of blankets with ginger hair. But when I looked closer, I realized it was Chuuya-san!

"Leave Me alone you stupid mackerel!!" he said as his voice broke.

"Come on Chibi. You know I flirt with others just to make you jealous. But that's not why you're crying, is it?" Dazai said.

"What the hell is this all about!!?" I asked confused.

Dazai just sighed and slowly began to explain . "Ever since we connected with pm, Chuuya and I got back together and I proposed to him. But now I'm just as confused as you. All I know is that Akutagawa called me and told me that Chuuya Is crying, because of me."

Akutagawa just held out his hand in front of me and I just sighed.

"How could I ever lose a bet with you?" I said as I gave Akutagawa the money I lost.

"You bet on us?" Dazai asked with smirk.

"Yes, we made a bet. But Who would believe that you two are together? " I said .

"I didn't want to believe it either. If only I hadn't walked into their office 5 years ago and seen them making out, I wouldn't have believed it either. Unfortunately I did and then I had 2 months, 1 week and 5 days of nightmares Every night." Akutagawa said.

"We're not dealing with that right now. Chibi. Come on, tell me why you're crying?" Dazai asked gently.

"It's all Abaharaki's fault!" Chuuya said frantically.

"What happened ? Dazai asked again.

"Because this wouldn't happen otherwise! ..... I-I'm p-p-preg-nant....." Chuuya said the last part quietly but it could still be heard.

"What..." Dazai said

"You heard me. My damn ability allowed this!" he said as more tears began to flow.

Dazai just hugged Chuuy tighter and said .

"I am so happy..."

"Huh .... I thought you hated children...." Chuuya said as he almost cried again.

"I don't hate children. I have nothing against them. And I'm incredibly happy for this here." Dazai said.

Dazai then just smirked and we all knew he was about to say something terrible.

"Don't -"Chuuya tried to stop him.

"And that all means I have a magic di-"But before he could say that, Chuuya managed to hit him .

"I think it would be a good idea if we just have some tea and explain everything, right?" Chuuya said.

~Next time~

I'm slowly running out of inspiration, but it should be enough for the next five Chapters 🥲.I hope you liked the chapter.

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