overprotective much ... ?

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Akutagawa pov:
When I finally explained my situation and asked Chuuy for advice he just looked at me and sipped his tea. Then he put the mug down.

"Your sister is only worried about you. I was the one who advised him all this so I know and I told Dazai too." ginger said.

I frowned at the mention of the brown haired man.

"And if that tiger does something to you, tell me ok?" Chuuya-san said with a creepy smile.

"O-ok Chuuya-san." I said uncertainly but at that moment the door opened and Jinko walked in .

"Hi Jinko " I said .

"Hi Ryuu" said Jinko as he come to sit next to me.

"Do you know what to do with it???" I asked.

"What do you need help with Ryuu??" Jinko Curiously asked.

"His sister Is too overprotective of him and she's afraid you're going to hurt him, so Ryuu and Gin had a fight and now she's angry." said Chuuya.

"Really?? Because of me??? " He asked looking at me.

"If I were you I would stop joking and try to convince Gin not to kill you," I said to Jinko.

Jinko just gulped.

But at that moment the door burst open and inside is standing ... Gin??!!!

'This is bad! This is really bad!! I have to hide Jinko quickly !!! And then hide yourself !!!' I thought to myself.

"Ryuunosuke Akutagawa..." she said.
There was silence. No one dared to move. Well at least me and Jinko, Chuuya-san was fine, after all he was the most powerful ability user and he was pregnant now and she wouldn't hurt him anyway, because he was like our parent figure to us.

"... So I understand that you love him so much that you fought with me ... ,but I want to make sure that he loves you that much too." Gin said and pulled out a knife.

"Fight me and prove yourself worthy of my brother!" She screamed.

Jinko quickly got into a fighting stance but hadn't used the tiger yet. He was serious, but didn't look like he wanted to fight.

" Gin, we don't have to fight. You know I'm stronger. I do not want to hurt you. If I hurt you Ryuunosuke would never forgive me and you are his only family." He said seriously "I won't attack you" he said and he put his fists that were ready to fight down, but he did not let his guard down and was ready to dodge anything.

"So you're saying you wouldn't hurt me?" Gin asked and Jinko nodded. "Because it would hurt Ryuu?" She asked again and he said 'yes' "Would you give your life for him without hesitation? She asked for the third time.

Jinko answered her without hesitation "Of course . He is my boyfriend whom I love and I intend to take care of him even at the cost of my life."

"Good," she said with a smile. "You passed my test. I'll leave you two alone, but if I hear something bad..."At the end of the sentence, she became serious and looked intensely at Jinko, who ignored it and sat down next to me on the couch and hugged me.

I'm just blushing. From the moment he started talking about how much he loves me, I've been blushing and the hug didn't help me much (I look like a tomato now). Of course I'm glad that Gin approves, but I'm still amazed at how he can talk about emotions like that.

'This must have been a difficult day.' I thought to myself. Gin sat down next to me and Jinko and then Jinko started discussing with Chuuya tomorrow since they will finally reveal him as a pm member.
Then we came across a question.
. Should we tell Dazai?
. ~Next Time~

I apologize for not writing for so long. I wrote a lot of exems and I had to study. I hope you liked the chapter and bye . 🙂🙃

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