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Chuuya pov :

It's been a month since I started eating crabs and mackerel. I cried... And then I kicked Dazai's ass for not being able to eat normally.

Since then Ryuu visits me every day and Atsushi always comes with him. But I don't think Atsushi is coming to me because he still only has eyes for Ryuu. Ryuu takes great care of me and helps me with everything.

I don't even go to work now, because Dazai decided that it was too dangerous and so he went to see Mori ... Well ... let's say the boss has another trauma from him. I don't understand how the PM boss can be afraid of a 14-year-old boy, but I don't have to deal with that now. Since he won't send me on missions, I have to do the paperwork. But since Dazai didn't want me to go anywhere, they send me the work home.

And that's what I'm doing right now. Paperwork. So boring. But not for long. I came up with a plan. Finally, my ship will come true.

Akutagawa would normally be here but he got a mission, so Atsushi comes here expecting to see him and I will be able to talk to him.

'He should be here by now' I thought to myself. But then the door just opened and I saw Atsushi.

"Hello Chuuya-san!" he greeted me and then started looking around for Ryuu. "Where's Akutagawa?” he asked as he looked back at me.

"He's on a mission. But since you're here we need to talk." I said as I pointed to the chair next to me for him to sit down. He just nodded and sat down. “It's pretty obvious that you have a crush on Ryuu." I said And he turned red as a tomato."And I'm going to help you be together." I said with a smirk.

"Bu-t t-th-at -!!" He tried to say , but I interrupted him.

"No buts ! It's clear. I'll give you some advice. You just have to ask him on a date and I'll arrange it!" Chuuya said sternly.

"Ok" Atsushi said defeated.

            ~time skip - 18:00 ~

Akutagawa pov:

Finally my mission was over and I went home to rest. At that moment, however, I received a message, so I wanted to look at it. When I unlocked my phone, I saw a message from Jinko and smiled gently .


Cat sushi 🍣:
    Do you have the rest of the day off ?

    Yes why do you ask?

Cat sushi 🍣:
     Turn around .


When I turned around, I saw Jinko standing behind me with a rose in his hand and a nervous smile. I blushed. He was dressed differently than usual (you can imagine how).

"A-Akutagawa..." he said nervously .

"Yes..." I said trying to keep my normal face.

"Would you go on a date with me?" He finally asked.

I just froze. 'Am I dreaming or is this reality? Did I unconsciously bang my head during the mission?' I thought to myself. But then I came back to reality.

"Yes!!!" I shouted happily.

He looked shocked for a moment (probably because I showed emotion) and then smiled and hugged me.

"Can we go then?" he asked and handed me a rose. I just blushed and nodded.

It was the best day of my life. We went to the park and then bought something to eat and talked the whole time. Then he said I must be tired from the mission and decided to walk me home.

We stopped in front of the entrance to mine and Gin's apartment (We shared an apartment and were together since childhood).

"Thank you for today and everything. But I have a question." I said as I opened the door to the apartment and turned towards him.


"What are we now?” I asked with slightly reddened cheeks.

" Well ... if you don't have a problem with that, you are my boyfriend." Jinko said looking at me with those magical eyes of his.

I just smiled and approached him and quickly kissed his nose."Good night you stupid cat ♥️~.” I said before quickly slamming the apartment door and leaning against the wall.

"Ryuu-nii .... ?" said a voice in front of me.

'Damn!!! She saw it all!! Why the hell was I leaving the door open??!!!' I cursed under my breath.

But she wasn't the only one who spotted them together on their date. But you will find out who it was next time.

                    ~Next Time~.

Hi and as usual I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


*And now for serious information - we need more Atsu-top and Aku-bottom !!! I only found some good ones in Spanish!!! And it was hell to translate it all (but it was worth it🙃).Please ~~~🥺.

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