someone know

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Atsushi pov:

After Akutagawa - now my boyfriend gave me a kiss on the nose and slamed the door, I happily went back home to see Kyoka.

'This is the best day of my life!!!' I thought to myself.

As soon as I reached my apartment, I cheerfully greeted Kyoka and went to take a bath so I could go to the closet sleep. She probably recognized that I was too happy and asked what happened, but I told her that nothing.

~Another day~

I happily went to work with Kyoka and on the way I remembered that I could at least write 'good morning' to my boyfriend.


Good morning cutie ~💖

Good morning you flea cat.

That's not nice of you Ryuu~


ok sorry...

I have to arrange something, but I'll text you later.




Ryuu ~😘:



Then I put my phone down and noticed that I was already in front of the door to the agency.

I went inside but something was wrong. As if something happened.
I went to Kunikida and wanted to ask him what happened, but he quickly got up from his chair and walked right in front of me.

"How could you" he said angrily grabbing my shirt collar.

'Do they know...? But how...? It doesn't matter now. At least I don't have to play the good guy.'I thought to myself.

I was slowly starting to think that they really knew and I almost started to get my icy look when he spoke again at that moment.

"You can't hang out with Akutagawa!!! He is our enemy!!! What did you think ??!!! After all, he tried to kill you several times!!!" he started yelling at me. I almost breathed a sigh of relief, but then I realized that he forbids me to have contact with the person I love and that now is finally my boyfriend.

The entire agency looked at us in shock. They probably couldn't believe it.

"How come you're meeting with such a vile murderer and human being -!!! he continued, but I couldn't take it anymore.

I grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up a little.

" First of all - my personal life is none of your or the agency's damn business because, I don't give him any information! "I said angrily.

' I'm not giving him any information because I'm giving it to Chuuya-san or directly to the boss.' I thought to myself.

"Second - DON'T INSULT MY BOYFRIEND !!! THAT IS AT LEAST UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT TO PISS ME OFF !!!" I shouted and also growled to scare Kunikida.

But that took a bit too much reaction because the agency looked at me with shock and fear in their faces. Kunikida didn't even move and was just shaking and scared.

'Damn !!! I overdid this!! But he overdid it too. Ahhh!!!!! I don't want to be here anymore. I'll tell Chuuya-san that I'm done and get out of here tomorrow! I'm finally going to end it here. Yosano will take care of Kyoka and everything will be fine. I'll just hold on for today.' I thought to myself.

I took Kunikida down and started the act again.

"I'm so sorry Kunikida!!!" I started apologizing and tryed to look like I meant it.

"I'm fine... actually you're right... it's not my concern. Sorry for doubting you and insulting him." He said and adjusted his glasses and quietly walked back to his work desk.

I went to my desk and was about to start working but I looked at Dazai and saw his smirk.

'Sigh... He will definitely want to hear everything. I'll probably tell him the whole thing eventually. After all, he can't do anything when I'm working under Chuuya and he's his fiance. This is going to be a long day,' I thought.

Akutagawa pov:

This is terrible. After seeing me and Jinko, Gin kept asking about it. I said that I would explain everything to her in the morning and that I was going to sleep, but I SERIOUSLY DIDN'T EXPECT THAT WHEN I WAKE UP, SHE WOULD BE STANDING OVER ME WITH CIRCLES UNDER HER EYES!!!

"You stood over me all damn night!!??" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep and I needed answers." She said seriously.

After I explained the whole thing to her, she froze for a moment. Then she pulled out a knife from her pocket and said

"No one dares come near my brother!" she said and was about to go kill Jinko. I stopped her and tried to explain but she ignored me. So after arguing with her for half an hour I just fought and tied her up.

Then I got ready and wanted to leave, because I knew that as soon as she untie herself, she would take revenge on me.

But then I noticed that Jinko sent me a message. After I wrote him back, I noticed that she was already untied, so I ran to the only safe place - Chuuya's house.

And there I sit now, asking him for advice.

~Next time~

I hope you liked the chapter and bye 🙂.

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