Chapter 5

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I loved a person so much that I was even ready to die for him but what that person did? He cheated on me just before our wedding day. I was betrayed still no tears were coming out of my eyes. People usually cry a lot when they are hurt/betrayed by their loved ones right? But I'm numb. I'm sitting in my room like a statue blankly staring at the wall, thinking about everything that happened yesterday.


Yesterday at night after leaving Nazib uncle's house I went to meet Atib, my fiancee in his house. We got engaged few days ago. I'm obviously so happy. We have been in a relationship for four years and now finally we are engaged. After few days he will become mine, officially. With these thoughts running in my mind and with a smile on my face I entered inside his house. But what I saw made my smile disappear. My whole world crumbled down in just few seconds.

Atib is on top of a girl and kissing her like there is no tomorrow. He is so engrossed in his deeds that he didn’t even noticed me until I called out his name loudly. I'm not that type of girl who will run away from the scene while crying. I will confront this asshole for what he did.

“A-Aaidah?” I looked at him coldly as he got off of that girl, now wearing his shirt quickly. The girl also got up wearing her clothes. “It's n-not what y-you are thinking. G-give me a chance to e-explain.” Of course that's what every man says after they cheat on their woman. Though I trusted Atib that he wouldn't be like those man. But he broke my trust too. “Aaidah please say something?”

In situations like this words are not required but action is required and that's what I did. I took action. I slapped him without saying a single word to this cheater. “Give you a chance after you were kissing another woman when you have a fiancee? I'm not that generous and not that naive either to give a cheater like you another chance.” I made him speechless. Good he should keep his mouth shut if he don't have a death wish.

Suddenly the girl came towards me raising her hand to slap me but I was quick to dodge her. What the fuck? Why is she trying to slap me? “How dare you slap him? You will die bitch.” Girl is in a delusional world I guess? She is taking this man's side. Wasn’t he cheating on her too? Like he probably didn’t even told her about me. I feel bad for her too. She is probably confused about the whole situation so I wouldn’t judge her for what she was about to do earlier.

“So what if he cheated? He can marry how many girl he wants, he can even fuck any woman he wants. He shouldn’t be committed towards you only just because you are his fiancee.” So she knows that I'm his fiancee? I take back my words. I don't feel bad for her. It's because of women like her that men gets the courage to cheat. I mean if you know a man have a girlfriend/fiancee/wife then politely decline him even if he is flirting with you. Rather tell him that he shouldn’t be doing this when he is committed to another woman. But no women like her will flirt back despite knowing the fact that a man have a woman in his life already. As a woman myself I would never do something like this to another woman and ruin her life. I can save a woman's happy life by walking away from her man instead of doing this shitty thing.

“Cat got your tongue?” I'm snapped away from my thoughts by her annoying voice. Yes her voice, face, her whole existence is annoying right now. “We will see who got who's tongue later. You can have him as much as you want. I don't need a cheater in my life.”

I left Atib's house not giving him another chance to say anything. I came to my house slamming the door of my house loudly. I feel so angry. Baba told me not to marry him. I fought with my baba to marry him. What I got in return? Only betrayal. I'm feeling more guilty that I fought with my baba for a man like him.

“What happened?” Baba asked as I stood in front of him. I didn’t realized when I came in his room. “I'm ready to marry Aaran Ibrahim.” I blurted out. “What? Why? You are already engaged to Atib. Is marriage a joke for you?” Baba yelled at me. It is not a joke for me but it is surely a joke for men like Atib. “I caught Atib cheating on me.” My voice came out soft, I'm ashamed to say this to my parents.

My parents gasped. Baba looks like he will kill Atib right away. “What will happen now? What will we say to people? Aaidah can't you marry Atib? Give him a chance maybe he will change. Think about our reputation!” How can my own mother say these things? Does she not care about me? “Keep quiet! My daughter won't marry that cheater. I don't care about people. I only care for her happiness.” Maa is looking at baba as if he said something shocking. But I can't blame maa, can I? She is also right in her place. Our family is a reputed family so people will talk shit if my wedding with Atib is cancelled. Since I'm a girl obviously they will put the blame on me that maybe I did something wrong that's why Atib called off the wedding.

“Aaidah.” Baba called me, his voice soft. “Are you sure that you want to marry Aaran? You are not saying that out of anger right?” I obviously said that out of anger. But I don't have any other choice. I don't care what people say about me but I definitely care about my family's reputation. Especially maa will be effected by this a lot as she is a really soft and kind hearted woman so she usually gets effected by what people say. “I'm sure.” I'm only agreeing to marry Aaran for my family. “Okay then I will talk with Nazib.” I left my parents room because baba indicated me to leave. I know he wants to talk to maa regarding this issue that's why he told me to leave.

Back to present:

Everything is so messed up. I feel like killing everyone except my family obviously. I love my family more than anything. Yet I fought with my baba, my most favourite person in this world and now I got cheated as a result. I know how badly I fought with baba. I even became rude with him. And when I was not talking to him anymore he didn’t have any other choice but agree to my wish. I remember he told me that I will regret my decision and that a father would never want to snatch away his daughter's happiness instead would always want her to be happy. I guess it was baba's gut feelings maybe which told him that Atib is not the right person for me? I hate to say this but in the end you will realize that asian parents are always right. Whatever they say happens and then we children are the ones who have to live with sorrow, regret.

And just like that I agreed to marry Aaran the man I despise. We were never on good terms neither we are on good terms even in present. I wonder what will happen after we get married? We will probably end up killing each other. I thought he will say no but surprisingly he also said yes. What made him say yes suddenly? Cause as far as I know at first he refused to marry me. I really want to know the reason. I do hate him but I can't deny the fact that he is a mysterious and interesting person. Somehow I'm thrilled to marry a person like him.


A/N: Finally I posted a chapter with Aaidah's pov 👀
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