Chapter 22

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I know I made a mistake for which I don't deserve Aaidah's forgiveness. But she should have talk to me! Why did she confronted Zaria when she don't even have nothing to do with me. Zaria cheated? She doesn’t even spare a glance at me. Did Aaidah not noticed that? She only noticed that Zaria looked at me during breakfast time.

When maa mentioned about her due to date, I felt hurt. No matter what happens I can't control myself. I can't forget her. There was a time when I wanted her to be mine. I dreamed of having kids with her. I know my thoughts are disgusting but what to do? I loved her once and at that time I dreamed of many things which I wanted to do with her. So knowing that her and Asael's baby will be born soon broke me beyond repairs. That's the only reason I had looked at her but Aaidah took it in a wrong way.

I mean I don't blame Aaidah for this. My actions made her doubt me like that. But she shouldn’t have put such a accusation on Zaria. Especially cursing her that she and her baby should die. Zaria is a very sensitive person so I know what Aaidah said must have hurt her a lot which also explain why she shouted at Aaidah and told her to get out from the room.

When she passed out it felt like my whole world stopped. I would've never forgive myself and Aaidah if something happened to her. Mostly me, since it all happened because of me. I wanted to hold Zaria in my arms when she passed out but I couldn’t do it obviously cause she is not mine. I have to remind myself again and again that she is not mine so I have to stop looking at her. I have to stop craving for her. I have to stop loving her.

My trance of thoughts broke when my phone beeped with the notification sound. Huriya messaged me telling me that both Zaria and her baby are okay. Alhamdulillah! Ya Allah thank you for not letting anything happen to my rabbit and her baby. I don't care if it's Asael's child or not but still I care for that child. Why wouldn’t I? That's my rabbit's child. My rabbit will give birth to that child. I will be happy cause she will be the most happiest person ever. I know she is really happy about her pregnancy cause whenever maa or Huriya used to talk to her regarding her baby, her eyes always sparkled with joy.

Right now I'm going to my penthouse. I need some time alone. I might end up hurting Aaidah if I stay with her in the same room. I apologized once, now I don't know what else I should do to gain her forgiveness. I also know maa will again give me a huge lecture if I stayed at home. I will listen to it but not right now when I'm already so pissed off with everything that happened.

I reached my penthouse and sat on the couch in the living room pouring myself a drink. But as soon as I remembered what happened because I got drunk, I threw away the bottle of liquor and glass on the floor which now broke into pieces. “That was an expensive liquor, you bastard!” Ahren yelled after entering inside. When I left from the house I had messaged him to come to my penthouse soon. He is the only person who can keep me sane.

“You don't even drink so why do you care?” I frowned looking at him. “But you brought it with money which now went to vain.” I scoffed cause he is actually right so I didn’t bother to argue back with him. “Now tell me what happened why did you called me?” I told him everything only to get a smack on my head by him. “If you were that drunk then you should have come here instead of going to home.” He is right so I didn’t hit him back.

“Wait a second. Why are you being so grumpy?” I asked him and he glared at me. “I was having a good time with my wife which got ruined by your text.” I smacked him on the head, glaring at him back. “She is my sister.” He smacked me back on my head again. “That sister of yours is now my wife so why are you hitting for no reason?” I was about to smack him again but he moved away from me before I could do that.

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