Chapter 2 - Master and Student

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Fenris's anticipation was palpable as he stood outside the mansion with his father, Marcos. "Father, do you know what my tutor will be like?" he asked, unable to contain his excitement.

Marcos smiled at his son's enthusiasm. "I've met her once before, and I can tell you she's a sweet person."

"Really?! What does she look like?" Fenris asked.

The fact that it's a 'her' makes me tingle a little! I wonder if she's like one of those sages in MMO games? I hope she's got red hair...

Marcos laughed at his son's eagerness, although he didn't want to give too much away. "I'll let you be the judge of her appearance when she arrives."

Knowing that it's a surprise, Fenris grinned as he was lost in his imagination, hoping for a cute girl but with a calm air to her. His fantasies made him momentarily forget about Alice and his surroundings.

While Fenris was lost in thought, a carriage pulled up in the distance, snapping him from his mind. His face lit up as he was to meet his tutor and begin his magical journey in this new world.

The carriage doors opened as a hooded figure stepped out, obscuring her features. Approaching Fenris and Marcos, she stared at Fenris in disbelief.

Is that truly Lord Marcos's son? They seem unlike. Oh, nevermind... The girl briefly wondered at Fenris's lineage to Marcos.

Pulling back her hood, Fenris was pleased by her appearance.

Pulling back her hood, Fenris was pleased by her appearance

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She's pretty small, around my height. Those ears, though...I doubt she's as young as me. Ah, who cares? I'm sold!

"Pleased to meet you, Fenris," the elven girl said, curtsying to him then Marcos. "Is this your son?" she asked.

"Yes," Marcos nodded.

She nodded, turning to Fenris and placing a hand on her heart. "My name is Rifa, and I'll be your tutor in magic."

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Rifa," Fenris bowed.

Rifa's right eye glinted as she sensed Fenris's power. For a moment her eyes widened. Oh my...

"Our agreement was day and night lessons, yes?" Marcos asked to confirm.

"I hope you have fun with Rifa. Return before sundown," Marcos told Fenris.

"I will, Father," Fenris nodded. He left with Rifa, waving to his father.

Climbing aboard the carriage, Fenris turned to Rifa with a smile. "This is my first time out of the mansion," he said. The carriage driver urged the earth dragons forward, rapidly pulling the carriage away from the Tonelico residence. (* Earth Dragons are land-based lesser dragons, who are primarily used for transportation and combat.)

"Really? I thought children like you would've been out and about," Rifa arched an eyebrow, intrigued by Fenris's statement.

"Well, you know what I am," Fenris said vaguely. Rifa lowered her eyebrows in understanding.

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