Chapter 4 - Monster Disturbance

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(A/N: I don't mean the inconvenience, but I would like to let you know that Chapter 4 will be split into four parts because of the sheer size of the arc we have ahead of us. I'd also like to apologize for my spotty publishing schedule, as I am only one person doing this. I would highly appreciate it though if you guys supported me by voting on this novel and sharing it with your friends! Comments would help too, so I can get your feedback!

Months flew by, and Sara's magical training continued to progress smoothly with the help of Rifa. She became well-versed in the fundamentals of magic and spent her days practicing spells alongside Fenris. These training sessions also brought them closer together, allowing Sara to get to know him on a deeper level.

As dedicated as she was to her training, Sara found herself starting to prioritize spending time with Fenris. Despite already being good friends, her body couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him. In his presence, her heart would flutter and skip a beat. And while her newfound confidence gave her a boost, there was also a nagging fear of letting Fenris down.

Sara tried to brush it off as a mere celebrity crush, not wanting to admit her true feelings. After all, as a slave, what right did she have to be so emotionally invested?

During one of their training sessions, a travelling merchant in Syrian purple robes approached Rifa. "Ms. Rifa," he said urgently, "we need your assistance. There have been reports of an Orc army marching from the north, and the Adventurer's Guild is requesting your aid in dealing with them." His voice trembled with fear as he continued, "I was ambushed by a group of them on my journey to deliver goods to the capital, and I barely escaped with my life!"

Rifa placed a comforting hand on the shaking merchant's shoulder as she spoke, "Don't worry, I'll handle this." She then turned to Fenris and Sara, beckoning them to come closer.

With a heavy sigh, Fenris reluctantly stepped forward, while Sara followed with a confused expression still etched on her face.

"You two will be coming with me," Rifa explained. "I'll also write a letter to your father so that he knows you're safe," she added, looking at Fenris who nodded in agreement.

I don't wanna almost die again!!


The group arrived at Belzerg, a familiar place for Fenris and Rifa but a new and daunting experience for Sara. Growing up within the confines of the Tonelico residence, she had never ventured outside before. The vastness of the world was overwhelming and she instinctively clung onto Fenris's arm for comfort.

Ever since Fenris's heroic deeds in Belzerg a few months ago, rumors had spread about a mysterious masked boy who had saved the town from evil. He had become somewhat of an urban legend with various names such as "Moonlight Hero" or most commonly known as "Robin Hood".

It seems I've become famous now... As they walked through town, Fenris couldn't help but notice posters depicting his actions, with a young child in a gray cloak holding up a dagger against a demon-like figure - representing the cultist leader he had defeated.

Fortunately, Fenris went unrecognized as the hero who had rescued the town. This spared him from the burdens of fame and all its accompanying difficulties.

However, for Sara, this only intensified her admiration for him. She quickly connected the dots that the mysterious "Robin Hood" and Fenris were one and the same, as she overheard him muttering to himself. Wait... where have I heard that name before...? Sara thought with a puzzled look on her face.

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