Chapter 3.5 - Celebration at Home

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(A/N: For clarification, any chapters with ".1", ".2", or ".5" or similar are extra chapters which may include flashback content or be an intermission between chapters.)

After the attack on the Cult, Fenris and Rifa met once again in Marcos's office. They updated him on all the important details, bringing a pleased smile to his face.

"Excellent work, both of you! Especially you, Fenris," Marcos praised, turning his attention to Fenris who looked proud of himself.

"Thank you, Father," Fenris replied with a slight bow from his seat. It was nice to be recognized for once.

"Mm-hmm," Rifa chimed in. "Fenris has really grown over the past few years."

"As a reward for your hard work, we'll have a celebration party back at home," Marcos announced.

Fenris's eyes lit up at the thought of a party. It was a refreshing change from past years where no one celebrated anything he did. Not even when his magical abilities were revealed did anyone cheer for him, which was disappointing. 


A celebration was in full swing at the Tonelico residence, with a table overflowing with a variety of dishes ranging from roasted chicken to mashed potatoes to crème brûlée. It was clear that Marcos had put in a great deal of effort to honor Fenris's achievements.

He didn't have to go THIS far... Fenris couldn't believe how much effort had been put into this feast. But as he gazed at the delicious spread, his stomach grumbled and reminded him that it was time to eat.

At Fenris's request, Sara joined the dinner table as an honored guest, along with Rifa who was also being treated as a special guest. Everyone eagerly dug into their food, and it was no surprise that everything tasted amazing.

"Mmmm!" Fenris couldn't help but be captivated by the delicious flavors dancing on his tongue. This is the best I've eaten since my past life! Serves me right for thinking medieval cuisine wouldn't be this good.

"Ladies and gentlemen, attention please!" Marcos announced, lifting his glass of wine in the air. "Today, we gather to honor Fenris's accomplishments and I am grateful for your presence here." Everyone turned their heads towards Marcos at his words.

"Let us all enjoy this splendid feast that our maids have prepared," Marcos continued, acknowledging the hard work of the kitchen staff with a nod. "But before we continue indulging, let us take a moment for silent prayer." Everyone lowered their heads in reverence as they paid their respects.

Fenris discreetly opened one eye and glanced at Damian, whose hands were fidgeting restlessly during the prayer. I wonder what must be going on in his mind right now...

I want to kill him...I want to kill him...I want to kill him!  Damian seethed internally, struggling to keep his composure as they prayed. After the moment of prayer, everyone returned to their meals. Damian shot daggers at both Fenris and Sara, who ignored him.

And why was she allowed at the dinner table? It's a disgrace! Father always favors Fenris over me... Damian glared at Sara with anger in his eyes. He forced himself to eat, though he couldn't help but grumble and stew in anger most of the time.

Must be another one of Damian's pissy fits. Though I gotta give him credit for holding it in, Fenris couldn't help but notice Damian's angry glares and remained impressed by how well he was keeping his emotions in check.

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