Chapter 1.1 - Ashen Maid

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Fenris had grown accustomed to Sara's daily visits, as the young servant girl was often sent to clean his room. With her ashen hair and light blue eyes, she caught Fenris's attention, as her exotic looks set her apart from others he had seen in this new world.

Though just a maid, it was clear Sara lacked confidence. When entering Fenris's bedroom, even the slightest things seemed to startle her. Yet Fenris treated her kindly, hoping to ease her worries.

He wondered what troubled her mind so. Though she tried appearing happy, Fenris knew from experience that something deeper distressed her.

Strangely, Sara felt most at ease around Fenris. She treated his room as a safe haven, often lingering longer in conversation than her duties required. He proved to be unlike the haughty nobles she knew, instead showing humility, understanding and care.

Today, Fenris left his room tidy for Sara's visit. She smiled, grateful for the light task.

"Thank you, Fenris," she said softly. "You always make it so."

Fenris grinned, truly happy to see her. "It's nothing, Sara - I'm just glad of your company."

Sara felt her cheeks flush at his words, never daring to dream he might feel as she did. Though she knew he valued her visits, it had not occurred to her that his regard ran deeper.

With cleaning done, Sara jumped as Fenris's hand touched her shoulder. Relaxing at his familiar face, her sigh concerned him.

"Is all well, Sara?" he asked gently.

"Oh no, i-its's nothing!" she insisted, though Fenris saw through her words, eyeing her knowingly.

Retreating inwards, Sara's timid expression showed once again, as she seemed uncomfortable sharing what was bothering her. However, something in Fenris's eyes persuaded her to reveal her troubles.

They sat together on the bed as Sara fixed Fenris with a serious look. "I have a secret I've kept from all," she whispered for his ear alone. "Something hidden from every soul."

Fenris listened intently, anxious to help in any way he could. Sara took a steadying breath to share what had long festered inside...

Sara took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. She knew that this could change everything, but she also knew that she couldn't keep it bottled up inside any longer.

"I'm being bullied," her voice quivered with emotion. "B-b-by..." she started to name the culprit but Fenris halted her gently with a finger to her lips.

"Hush now, all will be well," Fenris soothed, embracing Sara as tears flowed freely.

This girl makes my heart ache. She's so young, yet so troubled. There's not much I can do to help her though, since she's a servant and I'm a bastard child.

I mean, what can a five year old do? The best option seems a hug and reassurances. Or...

An idea came to Fenris and he summoned Earth magic, crafting a golden necklace set with an emerald gem. Presenting it to Sara stopped her tears as she gazed in wonder.

She was in disbelief. Was this gift really for her? Or was he just teasing her? Regardless of what she thought, her hand instinctively reached for the necklace as Sara held it and put it on her neck. "You made this for me?" she asked, her body still shaking from the crying. Fenris grinned as he nodded to her question.

"B-But you shouldn't have!" Sara protested. "I don't deserve such lovely gifts from you..." her face fell in sorrow.

"No! Keep it!" Fenris re-assured her. "It's yours to keep, Sara. And don't talk like that about yourself - you deserve far more than your station."

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