Chapter 3 - The Mission (2)

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As night descended, Fenris prepared to take action. He covered his face with a dark hooded robe, concealing his identity. Rifa joined him on a rooftop before they made their way down to the illuminated streets of Belzerg, lit by magical streetlights and moonlight.

Following their previously planned strategy, Fenris and Rifa split up and went in different directions. As Fenris ran at inhuman speeds, his heightened senses caught onto a distant conversation. He quickly found cover behind a crate and listened intently for any valuable information.

"These civilians have served their purpose."

"But the leader of this town...Marcos, was it? He's from the Tonelico clan. His blood would be perfect for the revival—"

"Shh! Do not speak his name so casually."

Fenris couldn't hear anything else from the unsavory characters.

They're planning to kill my father?!

The words uttered by the cultists hit Fenris like a ton of bricks. Suddenly, this mission had become personal for him.

"No...I can't let that happen!" Anger surged through him as he teleported in front of the cultists, catching them off guard.

"What is this brat doing here?!" one of them exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter! Kill him now!" ordered the other.

Both cultists drew long knives and attacked Fenris relentlessly, but none of their strikes landed as Fenris evaded them with little effort. He jumped onto one of the cultists' shoulders and snapped their neck, taking them out instantly.

Fenris swiftly snatched the knife from the first cultist's body as it fell to the ground. He wasted no time in pursuing the second cultist, who attempted to defend themselves by brandishing their own blade. However, Fenris effortlessly overpowered them with his superior strength. With a swift motion, he drew his own knife and slashed it across the cultist's neck, causing blood to spurt out.

"Who are you?" the cultist managed to gasp before losing consciousness and collapsing to the floor, lifeless.

Fenris stood over the two lifeless bodies of the cultists, taking a moment to look down at his handiwork before he sped off, moving faster than the speed of sound. Using mana to enhance his abilities, Fenris continued on, causing chaos and destruction as he slaughtered any cultists in sight.

However, his actions also alerted other hideouts in the town, prompting them to prepare for an attack. Realizing this, Fenris stopped and planned to give Rifa time to handle them. But to his surprise, she appeared right beside him through teleportation. Confused, he raised an eyebrow and asked why she was there.

"I heard screams all across town. Did you do that?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I did. Why?"

"That wasn't very smart."

"Why is that?"

"Because now the rest of the cultists will mobilize!"

"Why didn't you take care of them?!"

"You told me to hold back."

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