Chapter 4 - Monster Disturbance (2)

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As the group journeyed across the plains, they finally arrived at a small village called Olhyde. It was a humble community, mainly inhabited by humans, but it also drew in occasional travelers and adventurers passing through on the road that connected it to Belzerg. This made Olhyde a somewhat popular destination.

"Let's split up and reconvene at the entrance, okay?" Rifa asked. The group all agreed on this plan before going their separate ways to explore the sights of Olhyde within the village limits. 

Fenris' stomach growled, prompting him to search for a nearby food stall. Sara, always sticking close to him, followed along.

"Feeling hungry, Sara?" Fenris asked.

"Yeah, I could eat," responded Sara with a nod.

As they turned the corner, Fenris and Sara were relieved to find a food stall selling local delicacies. The aroma of grilled beef skewers drew them closer, and their mouths watered at the sight. Without hesitation, they decided to try it. Fenris approached the stall as there were no other customers present.

"Excuse me, could we get three skewers for the both of us?" Fenris gestured towards Sara as he spoke to the stall owner.

"Sure thing, that'll be one large copper."

"Here you go," Fenris paid with a smile, and they received their skewers in return.

The currency system in Asura was simple to comprehend. The smaller copper coin had a value of approximately $1 USD, while the larger copper coin was worth $10. A silver coin equated to $100 USD, and the gold coin held a value of around $1,000 USD.

They found a bench nearby and sat down together, savoring the smell of the freshly grilled meat. Although it wasn't high quality, it was seasoned simply with salt and still managed to entice their taste buds. As Fenris finished his skewers in an instant, he couldn't help but hide his amusement as Sara struggled with hers due to not being used to tougher meat. He asked her between bites, "How does it taste?"

"It's good, but a little tough to chew," she replied with a smile.

"I understand. This might be your first time trying this type of food, but I'm sure you'll get used to it," Fenris comforted Sara.

"Thank you," Sara replied with a small smile.

Once their skewers were finished, they set out to find more supplies. But unfortunately, luck was not on their side. Olhyde did not have the necessary resources for their journey up north, and so they began making their way back to the entrance empty-handed.

A loud screech echoed in the background, causing both Fenris and Sara to jump. They quickly searched for the source of the noise and soon found it. They followed the sound until they stumbled upon a group of people dressed in modest attire huddled around a well. 

Fenris stepped closer, his curiosity piqued by their distress. "What seems to be the issue?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Why is a child like you wandering around here? Are you some kind of traveler?" one of them questioned, looking perplexed.

"I am indeed a traveler," Fenris replied calmly. "But let's set my age aside and focus on the problem at hand."

A young girl, no more than fourteen years old and significantly taller than Fenris, stepped forward. "My sister fell into this well and we've been unable to get her out. Can you please help us?" she pleaded.

"Don't worry, I've got this!" Fenris confidently declared as he stepped onto the well, flashing a reassuring smile back at the group. Without hesitation, he jumped down what seemed like a fifty-foot drop, the light quickly fading until it was pitch-black at the bottom.

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