Chapter 5 - Sword Training

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Fenris was starting to feel that his lessons with Rifa were losing their spark. He enjoyed having Sara as his disciple, but it was becoming clear that he had already learned all there was to be taught. As he reflected on his previous battles, such as his encounter with the cultist, and the recent events involving the Orcs, Fenris realized the need to expand his skills. What would happen if he faced an opponent who could disable his magic. How would he defend himself then? After careful consideration, Fenris concluded that he needed to learn the art of swordsmanship, as it's the primary form of combat in this world.

He had some experience wielding a sword from occasional practice sessions with his grandfather during his days of learning Brazilian jiu-jitsu in his past life. Now, it was time for him to master this skill.

One day, Fenris visited his father, Marcos, in the secondary office at the Tonelico mansion. When he walked into the room, Marcos swiveled his chair away from the colorful backyard gardens.

"What brings you here, Fenris?" Marcos asked with an intrigued look while sipping tea.

"I want to learn sword-fighting, just like my brothers," Fenris said with longing in his voice.

His son's request surprised Marcos, causing him to furrow his brow curiously. He tried to approach the matter pragmatically. "What sparked this sudden interest?"

Fenris stared at the ground, contemplating how to express his thoughts to his father. "I want to be strong, just like you," he finally spoke up.

"Hm?" Marcos cocked his head, puzzled by Fenris's words.

"Even in private, you always manage to do incredible things for those you serve. And though you may not be a perfect father, you never stop trying. I aspire to one day emulate that."

Marcos's eyes widened in realization as Fenris's words sank in. A warm smile spread across his face as he nodded in agreement of his son's logic. "Do you wish to join the Royal Army one day, my son?"

"Actually, no," Fenris replied, shaking his head vigorously. "I actually find adventuring much more appealing. My first time experience was exhilarating!"

"I understand... but even if you don't end up joining the Army, it would be beneficial for you to learn from knights. Your brothers, for instance, are learning from esteemed royal knights."

"Hmm..." Fenris stroked his chin as he contemplated his father's suggestion. "Alright. I'm willing to learn if that's what it takes."

Huh, this feels familiar...


The "Red Lion" is a well-known warrior whom Marcos had heard of, famous for his adventures in the western kingdoms. After examining his achievements, Marcos decided to contact him. He wanted to arrange for Fenris to train under him.

Once Fenris learned of this, he felt troubled about how to break the news to Sara and Rifa. With a heavy heart, he decided to cut it to them straight, as he saw no reason in sugarcoating it whatsoever.

Fenris went outside and found Sara and Rifa practicing magic together, without him. Sara was trying to produce lightning, but she only had sparks at this point. Rifa saw Fenris right away and calmly asked, "You're really late. Where were you?"

"I'm father kept me occupied, that's all," Fenris said matter-of-factly. He wasted no time cutting to the chase about his intentions. "I'm going to be leaving for the royal capital later today. My father has arranged for me to train under a 'distinguished knight' and learn swordsmanship."

Sara's concentration was broken by Fenris and Rifa's conversation. She and Rifa were taken aback by Fenris's sudden news. "W-Why...?" Sara asked shakily.

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