Chapter 3 - The Mission

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Magic came naturally to Fenris, as natural as breathing. By the time he turned eight years old, casting simple spells had become second nature to him. He could even silently cast most spells now, except for complex ones or those that required a magic circle. 

As he delved deeper into the world of magic, Fenris learned about the hierarchy of spells and how it determined their function. While innate talent played a role in potency, the strength and purpose of spells could also be altered by adding prefixes to the incantation, such as El (elevated), Ul (ultra), or Al (almighty). Some other prefixes included Fell, a powerful last-ditch spell that could "fell" all enemies/targets, Mes, which interacts with mana, or Re which would remodel a spell's execution.

Learning about these prefixes allowed Fenris to experiment with his spells, and over time he created his own variations, such as Mes Gola, which creates a flame that burns hotter and hotter as it meets more and more mana, allowing him to burn away at spells and people the same.


During one of their lessons, Fenris and Rifa were interrupted by one of Marcos's butlers carrying a message.

"Lord Marcos has instructed me not to open this letter, Master Fenris. He says it is for your eyes only," the butler handed the letter to Fenris who eagerly took it and tore it open.


Dear Fenris and Ms. Rifa,

By the time you receive this message, I am sure you must be feeling quite taken aback. I apologize for such a sudden request, but I ask that you come to my mansion in Belzerg. There are important matters that we need to discuss which I cannot disclose here.


Marcos Apus Tonelico


After reading the letter, Fenris folded it up and put it in his pocket. He turned to Rifa, who read it alongside him. "Miss Rifa, do we have to go?" he asked with a pleading expression.

What could my father possibly want with the both of us? Have I become too powerful for his liking? Is there some kind of tradition I am unaware of?

Rifa nodded in agreement, much to Fenris's dismay. "We should go; your father has summoned us and it's best not to disobey him," she said.

Reluctantly, Fenris accepted the decision and watched as Rifa waved her hand, creating a portal. He was astonished as they were sucked into the swirling energy.

When they emerged on the other side, Fenris found himself standing in front of the grand mansion that Marcos had mentioned. "Wow, we're already here!" he exclaimed.

I didn't know Ms. Rifa could use quantum magic too? She never showed me that before!

"Yep, that's portal magic for you," Rifa replied with a hint of smugness.

As they entered the mansion, they were greeted by a line of servants bowing in respect for their honored guests. A tall woman stepped forward to greet them. "Welcome to the Belzerg Mansion. I am Lady Minerva. I assume you are here to see Lord Marcos?"

The woman who introduced herself as Minerva was a young brunette lady with a sophisticated air to her, as well as a nice figure. Fenris noticed how all the maids seemed to bow down in her presence and assumed she must be the head maid.

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