Chapter 4 - Monster Disturbance (3)

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(A/N: This part will consist mostly of background, explaining the reasons behind the Orc army advancing. There will be another Author's Note when this section is concluded.)

Around one hundred years prior to Fenris' birth, a crack in space-time appeared in the sky above Orc territory. From this crack came aggressive locusts, accompanied by corruptive mana that transformed them into humanoid creatures with high reproductive capabilities.

The Orcs and locusts engaged in a brutal battle, but even though the Orcs eventually emerged victorious and sealed the crack with help from the heavens, the damage had already been done. The chaotic energy left behind by the crack continued to spread like a plague throughout the Orc's land. Plants withered, water dried up, and the once fertile land turned into a barren desert.

This desertification led to a severe famine for the Orcs as food sources dwindled. Their survival instincts only worsened the situation, as their population continued to grow despite lack of food. Cannibalism became a temporary solution, but it couldn't sustain them for long and their numbers began to decline.

Yar, son of former chieftain Olog, refused to see his people succumb to such savagery. With few options left for sustenance, he made the difficult decision to lead his people on a migration. However, the desert proved too harsh and many Orcs died along the way.

"No...this is not how it should end," Yar cried out weakly as he felt the intense heat of the desert consuming him. Overcome with exhaustion and defeat, he collapsed onto his stomach.

"I can help you with that."

A figure appeared out of nowhere, dressed stylishly with a clown mask covering his face. Yar and his fellow companions gazed up at the enigmatic stranger, feeling a glimmer of hope at his promising words.

"If your goal is to find a new home, then I can be of assistance," the man said with a hand over his heart as he bowed deeply to Yar.

"What will be our end of the bargain?" Yar inquired skeptically.

"In return for your trust, I will provide you with food, armor, weapons - all that you require," the man promised enthusiastically.

Yar weighed this offer carefully. Though he was wary of the stranger's intentions, he wanted what was best for his people. "I accept."

"Wonderful! I know many influential individuals who can supply you with all that you need!" The man jumped around excitedly upon hearing Yar's agreement.

"And what should we call you?" Yar asked.

"I go by Lutheran, but you may address me as 'Luther' or 'Sir Luther'," the man declared with an extravagant flourish.

"I go by Lutheran, but you may address me as 'Luther' or 'Sir Luther'," the man declared with an extravagant flourish

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A malicious chuckle escaped Luther's lips as he beheld the hope in the Orcs' eyes. He removed his clown mask, revealing a glistening eye that gave him power over their minds.

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