I was still in the night, and my heart had been stolen by the guy in this city. I was still trapped in the silence when I knew that I couldn't escape from the reality that I had been born as a witch, and Will had been born as a man. And both of us had to face the same threat that was from Jacob's witches. The twin witches wanted to hunt those people in this city, and they also hunted down for me and Grace for wiping out the obstacle from killing those people in this city. I still stayed awake when Grace had been sleeping in her bedroom as the death of those twenty police officers had put her in unwell condition. I tried to calm down myself when I knew that it wasn't easy to do. I still couldn't see the chance that would save me and Grace and the chosen witch from being killed by the twin witches. I knew Grace was the witch two spells on my father's side. She didn't only have the spell that could turn her body invisible but also the spell that could erase memory. She could use the spell that could erase one's memory by touching one's body. But touching the body of the twin witches wouldn't be easy as they probably could attack us before Grace could erase their memory about being on Jacob's side. However, I still didn't know about the witches that were two spells witches on Jacob's side.
I looked away from the window and looked at the TV in front of me. I found the TV remote on the small table in front of the sofa. I turned on the TV. I saw the breaking news on the TV when it had turned on. The male news anchor said presented a news about missing girl who had been kidnapped by a witch a hoody cloak. Two girls who were the missing girl's friend told the police that three of them was walking down the street and suddenly from behind the witch with hoody cloak merged and caught their friend. And the witch with the hoody cloak disappeared. He was gone like moving away with the wind unseen. And he disappeared so fast. Those were how the witnesses of the missing girl told the kidnap by the witch. I had seen and known that there was the witch with that spell in Jacob's side. I began to be envy with Jacob as he got those powerful witches, and I still knew little about the spells that belonged to those witches were on my father's side. I was afraid if those witches on Jacob's side could defeat those witches that had been on my father's side. I turned off the TV and left the sofa. I was making for Grace's bedroom. I had to tell her about that witch who could disappear and move so fast. When I had been inside her bedroom, I came to her who had been sleeping. Then, I woke her up.
"Other witch has kidnapped a girl in this city, Grace." I said as she opened her eyes.
"Huh?" She said as trying to be fully conscious.
"Jacob has sent his witch to kidnap those people in this city." I said. "And he's got a girl."
"How could you know that?" She said and sat on the bed.
"I saw it on TV on breaking news." I said.
"How the witch kidnapped the girl?" She said.
"He could disappear and move to somewhere else so fast." I said. "And he wore the black hoody cloak."
I saw Grace's face looked surprised when I told her about the black hoody cloak.
"I haven't got any information about the witch with hoody cloak on Jacob's side." She said. "And I know the witch who can do it, disappearing and moving to another place very fast that are called as teleportation. But the witch is not on Jacob's side but your father's side."
"But on the breaking news, the witnesses who are her friends told so." I said. "Their friend was kidnapped by the witch who can do teleportation and wear that black hoody cloak."
"I need to call your father." She said as getting out of this bed.
I saw her making for the small table and pulling the drawer and then took her smartphone from that drawer.
She was standing there and waiting for my father to accept her call. But she still kept holding her smartphone on her ear and saying nothing. Probably, my father had been sleeping, and he couldn't answer the call from Grace. Then, she decided to end the call.
"Why did you call my father?" I said. "Did you want to ask him about the witch that he has chosen to help us defeating the twin witches on Jacob's side?"
"No, I want to ask about Luna to your father." She said. "Luna is the only witch who has teleportation spell, and she has been on your father's side. But I didn't know if there was other witch on Jacob's side having the same spell as Luna has."
I was sitting on the sofa, and Grace was sitting next to me on this sofa. On the TV, there was a news being broadcasted. It was about the kidnapped girl. She had been found, but she wasn't alive. She was found on the neighborhood where she lived and hung on a tree in the neighborhood. The police officer had concluded that the girl was killed by the witch with the black hoody cloak after being kidnapped. And, the police officers were still looking for the identity of the witch with the black hoody cloak and the location where the witch was hiding. When the news was over, the next news was about the twin witches who were still in the search by the police officers in this city as they weren't found in the abandoned warehouse anymore. Then, Grace got up as her smartphone was ringing. Then, she accepted the call from the one whom I didn't know.
"Hello, Mr. Stone." She said. And I knew that my father called her.
"I've just seen the news about the witch with the black hoody cloak." She said. "Do you know about that witch?"
"Really?" Grace said. "Why she ran away?"
"Well, okay." She said. "We've been waiting for him. Thank you, Mr. Stone."
I saw Grace ended the call, and then she turned around. She looked at me.
"Your father told me that Luna has gone since two weeks ago." Grace said. "Your father has been trying to find where she has gone, but he still gets nothing. But he's looking for about the witch who has same spell like Luna has. And he also told me that the chosen witch that he sent to help us defeating the twin witches would come tomorrow."
"Why she left?" I said. "And what about her parents?"
"Your father didn't tell me about that." She said. "And her parents have passed away because of the disease. Well, it's time for me to work. See you, Anna."
"See you, Grace." I said as seeing her walking out of her premises.
The chosen witch would come tomorrow. And tomorrow would be the day I would fight against the twin witches who had been hiding in different place as they weren't found in that abandoned warehouse again. But one witch with teleportation spell had shown up. I thought Grace needed to ask my father about the mysterious witch with that black hoody cloak and teleportation spell. I was sitting on this sofa, and TV was still on. I decided to turn off TV in front of me. When I looked away from the TV, I could feel the worry growing stronger inside me as it would be trouble and terrifying if the witch with that black hoodie cloak interfered the fight between three of us and the twin witches later. If the witch with teleportation spell interfered. I truly hoped that my father had chosen the right witch for helping us to deal with the twin witch and the witch with teleportation spell.

Love and Hunt
FantasyAnna had decided to leave her family as she didn't want to get married with the man that was chosen by her father. However, she had to face many problems when she had left her family to find the man that she dreamed like she found on social media. W...