Chapter Eleven

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I was still outside the abandoned warehouse with Grace and Alex. I looked at Grace to know what we're going to do.

"I think we need to check inside." Alex said.

"No, this can be a trap for us." Grace said. "He has Luna on his side. Jacob can move to any places he wants by the help from Luna's spell. I think we need to call Mr. Stone."

"Well, it's better to do it in your premises, Grace." Alex said. "We can't let people around to see what has just happened here."

"Well, let's go back to my premises." She said.

I looked down to those dead twin witches that wouldn't be able to move anymore. They were the first witches that I had killed. When I looked away, I saw those pieces of those four cars that stayed over the ground. The one that could control them had been killed by me. I looked back to Grace and Alex who had been walking further in front of me. I kept walking until I could approach them and walked behind them. I knew that Alex was worried about those people in this city who would find out about our existence if we stayed longer in that abandoned warehouse.

I was glad that Luna didn't have the intention to kill us using her spell. Although I had three spells, I still felt like she could defeat me with her spell. And I still couldn't forget how fast she disappeared after talking with three of us. I was still thinking about the reason why Luna decided to be on Jacob's side. I didn't know enough about her. But I kept wondering about the reason she could be on Jacob's side. I knew that I would know it from Grace as she would call my father for asking about Luna who had been on Jacob's side. But I wondered if my father had known about Luna who had been on Jacob's side. He only knew that she had run away, and he would know that she had joined with Jacob. When I looked around, I still found no one. I hoped no one was seen as long as three of us still stayed around this street. But I still wondered if there was witness that saw those four cars that had been floating and controlled by that bald twin witch. But there was no police officer coming to that abandoned warehouse, so there was no witness seeing those floating four cars going to that abandoned warehouse. The road was still empty; and three of us would leave this factory area soon.


I was looking at Grace. She was there, holding her smartphone on her ear. She was waiting for my father answering the call from her. I hoped he could take Luna back into his side again. She had that unique spell that could be helpful for Jacob to hunt down those people in this city. I still could feel the anger staying inside me when I knew that Luna had been on Jacob's side. I was so scared if many people in this city could be killed by her as she had that teleportation spell.

"Dad has got a man for you." My brother said as sitting next to me. Then, I looked away from Grace. I looked at him who had been looking at me. "And he's one of us and on Dad's side."

I tried to hide my shock when hearing that thing from Alex. I had lied to him about the reason of coming to this city. I didn't mean to help Grace completing her mission, but I came to this city as I wanted to get the man that I expected to be my husband. And I didn't want to get married with a guy that I didn't love.

"You know that we can't get married with other people who are not our kind." He said. "We can't forget the history. And I'm sure those people have spread bad thoughts about us who are accused as killers and dangerous men."

I still didn't say anything. I kept looking at him who was still looking at me.

"So, you've ever loved a girl who is not a witch?" I said.

"I can't." He said. "If I can't get one, Dad will get one for me."

"If you don't love her, will you still marry her?" I said.

He looked away from me and faced the window that was behind me.

"I will." He said. "When we can understand each other and care each other, I will love her."

He looked at me again. And I just smiled at him.

"Hello, Mr. Stone." Grace said.

Alex, then, looked away from me and began to focus on Grace who was talking with my father through her smartphone. And I also joined him for focusing on Grace about my father's respond toward Luna and Jacob who broke his promise.

"The witch that had teleportation spell and has kidnapped and killed the girl, she is Luna." Grace said. "She has joined with Jacob. Now, we know where she has gone."

I still found Grace over there. She was standing and listening the thing spoken by my father through her smartphone. I and my brother were still waiting for what we needed to do next toward Luna and stop Jacob from hunting down those people in this city.


I was shocked when my father decided to kill Luna as he couldn't find the way to get Luna back on her side again as she had decided to join Jacob. And he also had told Grace that to stop Jacob, he had to be killed. My father thought that if the leader was killed, those witches that had been on Jacob's side would stop hunting down those people in this city.

"Will my father send other witch to help us?" I said.

"He said to me that he still counted on you, Anna." Grace said.

"I don't think I can do it alone as those witches won't let me to kill Jacob." I said.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Anna." Alex said. "You've killed the twin witches."

When I looked at Grace who had been sitting on that chair, she looked at me with that expression that showed the agreement with Alex.

"But Luna will be hard to be killed." I said. "She has that teleportation spell."

"I know." Grace said.

"What if we put her into the last witch in the list?" Alex said. "And we focus on Jacob on the top of the list."

"Yeah, I agree with that." Grace said.

"And I think you need to call Jacob, Grace." I said. "We still don't know where he is hiding."

"You're right." She said.


I was staring at the ceiling when I had stayed in the bed. I was afraid if I had to leave Will. I didn't know how I could survive from the pressure when I didn't love the guy that was chosen by my father for being my husband. I didn't want to leave Will.

"Grace," I said.

"Yes," She said as lying down on the bed.

"Will you get married?" I said.

"Yes, I will." She said.

"Have you found one?" I said.

"Not yet, I'm still looking." She said.

"If a guy loves you, but you don't love her. Will you get married with him?" I said.

"I have to." She said. "You know that we can't get married with people who are not our kind. If he knows that I'm a witch, he must try to kill me. And I will be hunted. Why you ask me like that? Are you worried about the man? Are you worried if you don't love him but you have to get married with him?"

"My father has chosen the witch for being my husband." I said. "I'm afraid I won't love him. And I'm afraid if I can't live with him as I don't love him."

"I know you're worried as you haven't met with him." She said. "You know, love sometimes takes time. Well, good night, Anna."

"Good night, Grace." I said. 

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