I felt like this city wouldn't be settled down. Those witches were getting crazier. They truly wanted to wipe out those people in this city for that false accusation. I knew those dead witches who died in the hunt by those people were as worthy as the lives of those people. And I knew that hiding from them was not a proper way to revenge for what they had done to our kind. But I didn't think an act of revenge would be a better way for us to live together with them. I was alone, facing that cloudy sky up there through the window that had been fixed, and began to think about Will. I truly wanted to see him right now. But it wouldn't save his life from those witches who had been in this city and were coming to this city. I'd told Alex, Grace, and Aaron about the pack of werewolves from the brothers' spell. Aaron had been the outside with her sirens in those beautiful female human forms. I thought he only had four, but he could summon more than four sirens. I looked away from that cloudy sky and turned on my smartphone again. I called my father again. I hoped he would pick up his phone for this moment. I truly needed to talk with him. I knew it was not a proper time, but I hated that matchmaking.
I kept waiting when I couldn't escape from the worry about that giant creature from Jacob's spell. I remembered that once they had been summoned, they couldn't be undone. And he could create an army of those earth creatures from his spell as well. I didn't know if I got the chance. I felt like I wanted to cry. I knew I was gifted as a three-spell witch, but I didn't expect that I would face such an encounter just to get out of what my father wanted. But I needed to try. I didn't want to waste what had been given to me. After the long wait, I had to take, my father didn't answer my call. Then, I turned off my smartphone. I walked away from the window and sat on the sofa. I didn't know how to be free from that matchmaking if I couldn't take down Jacob. I leaned my head back till it hit the wall behind me. And it felt like I wished for no wish. But, I was still with the spirit for what I wanted.
I got awake in this sudden moment. I looked up and found Grace waking me up.
"Let's go! Hurry up, Anna!" Grace said.
"What's going on?" I said with the struggle to be fully conscious. "What's happening?"
"Those butterflies will lead us." She said, and I looked at my hand. The butterfly tattoo had gone. I found my butterfly over there near the closed door when Grace had been on her feet. I got up from this bed and followed her in an attempt to get fully conscious soon. When I had been out of the bedroom, I found Grace waking up Alex on that sofa. Then, I realized that Aaron was outside with his sirens watching those pack of werewolves from getting into this city. When he had been able to stand on his feet, I opened the door and got out of the premises soon. I kept climbing down the stairs while hearing the sounds from their steps behind me. When I pulled the door, I found a car stopped in front of the building.
"Come in!" Aaron said through inside that car. "Hurry up! Hurry up!"
I walked as fast as I could and got into the car. I got into the car, and Grace followed. She closed the door, and I found Alex was next to Aaron. Then, he drove this car as soon as possible when I could see those butterflies flying up there through the window pane in front of me.
"When my sirens go there, some soldiers have got bitten by those werewolves when they have reached the border of this city," Aaron said. "They're outnumbered. By those werewolves."
"I hope your sirens can stop them from turning those soldiers into werewolves," Grace said.
"They are still trying." He said. "Anna, I recall what your father has told me about your healing spell. It can heal those who get bitten by those werewolves, right?"

Love and Hunt
FantasyAnna had decided to leave her family as she didn't want to get married with the man that was chosen by her father. However, she had to face many problems when she had left her family to find the man that she dreamed like she found on social media. W...