Chapter 1

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"I can't believe it's been ten months."

"In all honesty, I can't believe I only got ten months. A slap on the wrist because my crimes were commited during the zombie apocolaypse is lucky, and I'm appreciative for it - if I got a life sentence or too many years, I wouldn't be able to fully dedicate myself to doing better when I got out."

"I personally think that being at home and doing the best you can is more effective than prison will ever be. I get you want to punish yourself, but is nearly getting raped by three guys and getting harassed consistently really worth it? You need to be in a healthy and uplifting enviorment to be healthy and uplifitng yourself, JJ."

"Then it's a good thing I'm getting out in a week, huh?"

JJ had been in jail for ten months now. His sentence had been minimized due to his actions being committed during a time where the law wasn't being enforced, and in just a week, he would be released to go home. JJ intended to try to make up for what he'd done by going as much good as he could when he got out of prison, but the task would be hard because of one detail.

His arrest had been the first thing to stream on the news since the apocolaypse, and now, everyone knew about him and his crimes. It would be hard to gain their trust back, but he would still try. And besides, there was still one person who had faith in him.

After about a month after his arrest, JJ had used his first of three calls to check on Mikey. He'd explained again how he was sorry, and that he would do anything he could for forgiveness, starting with being in jail, and how he'd spend the rest of life afterwards going nothing but good. Considering Mikey's attitude towards him and his actions prior to his arrest, it came as a suprise to him when the call ended with, after a brief silence on the other side of the phone: "I understand now. I'll be here for you when you get home, JJ, ready to give you another chance."

The second call, five months later, had been mostly Mikey talking. He'd explained his rather distressful situation with him and the rest of the crew - Bob, Will, Mary, and Tom specifically. It turned out, they all held a discussion together once a month, and Mikey had been invited to one, just once. He explained that they were talking about JJ's arrest, and everyone there besides Sarah, Elizabeth, and Rob were considering proposing a longer sentence for him. Tom was mostly leading this talk, and when he'd asked Mikey for his thoughts, he made the mistake of suggesting that prison wasn't the solution, but rather giving him the chance to make up for it on his own.

That didn't sit well with Tom, Will, or Mary. All three of them instantly ganged up on him, and Mikey had added, Mary wasn't nearly the same as she'd been before all of this. While she and Will only used words, Tom had actually tried to attack him, but was stopped by Bob. Mikey was kicked right out of the meeting, and he hadn't been back since. Despite now being distant from his former teammates, Mikey said it was worth it, and things might get better if they witnessed JJ keeping his word on improving himself.

And this was JJ's third and final call. Since then, he'd engaged a huge fight trying to defend himself from three guys who'd tried to violate him for dropping the soap, and he'd told Mikey that story as well as informed him that he'd finally be home in only a week.

Finally, he could take the next step towards his redemption.

"It truly is," Mikey said from the other side of the phone. "I can't wait to see you again. Everyone thinks you're a monster, JJ. I want you to prove to them that it was insanity that claimed you, and that you're better than that now."

"I'll do anything it takes to do just that."

"I know you will. And if you ever feel doubtful of that, just remember that I still believe in you."

"That's one of the things that keeps me going, you know. But now, I have to go. Goodbye, Mikey. I love you."

"I love you too, JJ. I can't wait to see you again."


Mikey stayed up until dawn keeping an eye on the news.

Today was the day, and he wanted to catch any information he could on JJ's release. At around 7 AM, as he was making breakfast, the news broadcast announced that JJ was officially out of prison, and was free to roam as he pleased. Mikey practically exploded at this information, and he set his food down to go look outisde the window. He didn't know the exact time it took to get from town square to here, but he knew it wouldn't be too long. He'd been isolated for nearly a year, and he couldn't wait to have some company again, as well as begin to witness JJ change for the better.

"I always knew that deep down, he wasn't truly a bad person." Mikey beamed at his own thoughts. "It was only insanity. Yes, that was all."

By now, the sun was just starting to come up.

Mikey was laying in bed, unable to relax. Just then, he heard the doorbell ringing, and he sprang out of bed, trying to contain his excitment as he opened the door.

Dear god.

He looked even better than when he'd last seen him.

Even up until his arrest, he'd had this slightly crazed and stressed look in his eyes. But now, he looked as calm and happy as ever. The sight made Mikey want to burst into tears, but he held them back, as JJ was about to say something.

"I was going to volenteer for community service for as long as I felt was nessacary, but... I wanted to see you first. You know, I've also considered staying for a little while. I did say I wanted to work at redeeming myself, but I just want to spend time with y-"

JJ didn't get to finish before Mikey brought him into the tightest hug he'd ever experienced. He didn't even bother to hold back his sobs anymore, and JJ led him into the house before closing the door behind him, and then hugged back.

"It's okay, buddy..." He attempted to calm him down, but ironically started to choke up too. It seemed as though they were both equally as overjoyed to see each other again, and their hug was getting so constricting that they both had to take it easy for a second. "Really, it's fine now... I'm here, and now we can be around each other as long as we want."

He started to wipe the tears from Mikey's eyes, and he calmed down at the touch. Eventually, they were both relaxed, and were doing nothing more than just staring into each other's eyes. Then, Mikey asked a question.

"What do you say I give you a proper welcome home?"

"Whatever do you mean by that?" JJ asked, touched by Mikey's reaction to seeing him back so far. To him, it was honestly adorable.

"Can I show you?" Mikey looked at him for permission to engage in whatever he had in mind. JJ nodded, and Mikey guided him down just a little before kissing him. JJ instantly did it right back, suddenly realizing what he truly had in mind when Mikey started to press against him while deepening the kiss.

"You know, we can't do it this early." JJ said after they broke it, and he nearly chuckled at Mikey's confused reaction.

"Why not?"

"It's just, I haven't had anything to eat today. I can't say no to you, since you're so cute, so why don't we do it after I have breakfast?"

"Sure, sure. Wait, did you just call me cute?"

"Yup. That's because you are."

"You really think that?"

"I do. Just wait on the bed, I'll be back soon." JJ smiled and went away to make his breakfast while Mikey stood there, both bamboozled and blushing at the compliment.

"He has the right idea for sure." JJ felt warm inside. "And if this will make Mikey happy, then it can be a part of my goal; to help everyone around me. I hope this will be the start of something good."

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