Chapter 6

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"Thank you everyone, for coming!" The old man announced.

Connor, JJ, Mikey (who was munching on a cookie), and an entire crowd of people were listening to him now.

"I'm so glad all of you are here. Because today, you will get to see my latest creation. It is something you all have seen before, but is new and improved, and has better abilities. It's a truly impressive creation, and I can't wait to see it in action. I'm sure all of you will enjoy it."

"Is it a mob?" A random guy shouted.

"Yes," He confirmed. "But twice as better! I'll begin the procedure, stand back now."

The people at the front gave him space.

The old man placed a spawner, however, there was no miniature mob visible inside of it yet. For extra precaution, he placed a set of iron bars around it, and then took out a spawn egg.

It was white with orange splotches. JJ hadn't seen anything like it before, and as of now, he wasn't all too interested in finding out about it, considering how he'd randomly been glared at upon his arrival. He wanted to leave, but Connor and Mikey seemed locked in, so he stayed.

"Once I place this new mob in the spawner, it will create multiple of them at a very fast pace. So, to make sure you all like it, I will first place this egg only. After introducing it, I will then activate the spawner."

"If it's a lava creeper, I will be sooooo happy!" Connor whispered to both JJ and Mikey. "That's my favorite fan-made mob in the history of ever!"

Meanwhile, the crowd was starting to get restless. To calm them down, the old man held up the spawn egg as imply he was about to use it.

"It seems we have a special guest here today, so before we begin, I want to give a special message to him. JJ, from the YouTube channel Maizen, could you come over here please?"

"JJ!" Mikey interuppted him before he could go up there. "Can you ask him for more cookies? Me and Connor need to snack!"

"Yeah," Connor butted in. "And if you don't, we'll sneak into the donut shop!"

JJ shook his head mockingly before going up there anyway. Whatever this guy was planning, it probably wasn't worth hearing, but he'd do it anyway.

"Go on, come closer," The old guy beckoned. "It's just a little private, that's all."

Starting to get suspcious, JJ obeyed, yet he was hesitant.

"I've learned so much about you through your YouTube channel," He began, quieter to prevent the crowd from hearing. "Including your role in a certain incident long ago. Now, because of that, I know it was you who destroyed my creation all that time ago. I meant to kill everyone with them, but clearly, I failed at that. This time, I've made sure they're untouchable. You won't be able to stop them this time, JJ. You'll die first. And so, here's a present from me, to you. Enjoy."

Throwing the spawn egg down, he placed another one inside of the spawner, and bolted away from the scene as fast as someone as old as him could go. After seeing the mob he'd been talking about, the people started to scream and run, while JJ stayed in place. Why? He just simply couldn't believe it, that was why. How could it be real? It had been so long.

JJ's body went numb. He couldn't move, he couldn't feel, and he certaintly couldn't look away.

Standing in front of him, was a killer clown.

The spawner went to work, bringing tens and tens more clowns into existence in a matter of seconds. They instantly started to chase down and tear into the surrounding people, even as they were running. They were fast beyond belief; they'd definetely been improved since their last apperance. Despite the dreadful noise of people sreaming and dying, JJ couldn't focus on anything else than what was in front of him.

This clown in particular, was different than the others. It had this silver patch in its shoulder, and it seemed to be acting slower than the rest. However, it was definetly aware that there was vulernable prey in front of it, and raised its arm attack, its hands lined with claws now - an additon that must have been made to this new version of killer clowns.

"JJ!" Mikey shouted from far away. "Run! Get away from that thing!"

But he couldn't. He was still frozen is disbelief. As he was forced to stand still, he remembered that last thing that had been said to him before this all began.

"You won't be able to stop them this time, JJ. You'll die first."

It seemed that his wish was about to come true.

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