Chapter 4

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In the morning, JJ was out of bed before Mikey was. Confused, he started to look around for him, but he didn't have to for long - JJ was in the spare room, packing some sort of bag.

"I know what we can do today," He began, sounding rather excited in contrast to last night. "I have a family that lives not too far from here. We can go visit them for a couple days."

"That sounds nice; I'm sure your parents would love to see you."

"No, not them-" JJ corrected, an unidentifiable emotion flashing in his eyes for just a second, before he continued. "I have an ex-girlfriend, and a son. That's who I was talking about."

"What? Huh?"

"You heard me."

"Since when?"

"It happened a long time ago. The kid was a mistake, and my ex and I broke apart not too long after graduating high school. I accidentally got her pregnant, and our disagreement on raising a child and the issues we'd already had up until that point caused us to split up. She takes care of the kid, and I see them every few months for at least a day. I only do it for the son though; he likes seeing me. But I swear though, everytime I'm within range of my ex's sight, she stares daggers at me."

Mikey almost fell over. "How come I've never heard about them before?"

"Well, you've seen them before, but I never told you they were legitimately my family. They were in one of our videos one time. Remember that build challenge where we had to build houses in defense of the zombies? Those guys that cosplayed as my family? Well, now you know, they're actually my family."

This time, Mikey actually did fall over. JJ kept packing, and grabbed a random bag and threw it to him. "If there's anything you want to bring, go ahead and put it in there. We'll be there for a few days, as a reminder."

"Sure, sure..." Mikey was still processing this, but he listened anyway. What a day this was going to be.


While JJ had been in prison, Mikey's neighbor has given him his old car due to him buying a new one. And, surprisingly, the car didn't have too much issues, so now getting around was easier. He'd told this to JJ over the phone about five months ago, so he was aware of it too.

As JJ was putting their bags in the car, Mikey noticed something in the distance. There were multiple black and white cars parked at the entrance of the village, and he eventually recognized them as police cars. There were cops outside of them talking to each other, and Tom and Mary were also there, however they weren't taking part in their discussion.

"JJ? Do you see that?"


"Look, there's cops, and Tom and Mary are also there."

"Shit. Well, I was lucky that I got this much time anyway. Let's get in the car, and fast."

Suddenly, Mikey remembered yesterday when Tom had said he would call the cops; that explained why they were here. JJ seemed to be aware of that too, and just then, Mikey wondered if this was the main reason he wanted to leave the village, rather than to see his family that he hardly put effort into. After getting into the car, JJ started to drive in the opposite direction, planning to loop around once they were out of sight from the police.

"Tom is a bitch," JJ started raging, taking Mikey by suprise. "First he's managed to manipulate everyone, and now he's trying to get me arrested again? Seriously, who does he think he is? I swear, I should turn right back around and run over his ass with this ca-"

"JJ-" Mikey tried his best to calm him down so he could fully focus on driving. "It's fine, I promise. Nothing will happen to you, so we can both just forget about him, and continue on with our lives as usual. This whole police thing will die down soon, so we can go back home then. Everything will be fine."

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