✿⁠ Sleepover ✿⁠

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liked by clemfernandez, christophersturniolo

madifilipowicz: when she does your homework 🤌🏼

tagged clemfernandez



clemfernandez: when she uses you🤌🏼
madifilipowicz: heyy 😭
clemfernandez: kidding kidding

nicolassturniolo: @christophersturniolo
christophersturniolo: 🤨🤨

romaparker: she steal my bestie🙁

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"My mom will kill me" Clemmie sigh leaving Claas with Madi.
"Hey D is not that bad " Madi smiled to her reassuringly.
"You don't know my mom Madi"

"That bad?" Madi asked
pressing her lips into a line.
Clemmie just have her a confirming look. Madi put her hand over her shoulder hugging her.

"Everything will be okey Clem, maybe you want join to our sleepover today?" Madi asked her with smile.

"Who will be there?"

"Matt, Nick and Chris" She said moving her eyebrows playfully
Clemmie slapped her shoulder laughing.

"Cmon you can meet Chris" She said excited. "And you can bring Roma if you would feel more comfortable" Madi smiled to her.
"No, Roma going to her granny for weekend" She said looking at Madi.

                Instagram messages

Madi invited me to your sleepover

You'll come???
  i have to talk to my mom at first

Call her
And Matt will pick you from school

                                            yea i will
                                              gtg now
See you!
loved by Clem

                            real life

Clemmie and Madi going trought school hall talking about sleepover.

"So call your mom now! Matt will pick me up in 10 minutes so you could go with us!" Madi said said excitedly.

"Yeah" Clemmie said said, dialing her mom number.

"Hi mom" She said when her mom answered call.

"Hi, how did your test go?" Clem sighed.

"I got D" She said quietly excepting her mom be mad.

"Could be better you know?"

"I know" She said while Madi put her hand on her shoulder.

"Why you calling? You need ride home?"

"Um no...i wanted ask you something"
"My friend invited me sleepover -"
"No" She said cutting her.

"Please mom" She said in a pleading tone. Madi took her phone putting it to her ear.

"Hello it's Madi" She said smiling even Clem's mom can't see it.
"It's friday please let Clem have fun a little!" Clemmie look at her widen her eyes.

"She usually studying at fridays" Her mom said and Madi rolled her eyes.

"Cmon she can study in another day she have all weekend for that."

"Okey, but she's supposed to be home at 8 a.m. on saturday." She said in a firm tone.

"Okey! Thank you byee!" Madi ended call giving phone back to Clemmie.

"Wait did she said yes?" Clemmie widen her eyes"

"Yes!" Madi said jumping and hugging her. "Let's go Matt will be here in few minutes" Madi took her hand and they went outside waiting for Matt.

"I'm nervous" Clemmie said with a sigh.

"Everything will be okey! I swear they are the best humans in world" Madi said laughing Clemmie joined her and they saw Matt parking at school lot.

"Let's go" Madi took her hand and they went to Matt's car.

"Hi" Matt smiled to them. "You're Clemmie right? I heard so much about you" Matt giggled looking at her.

"Oh really?" Clemmie asked raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah i swear Chris running around the house right now from excitement"
Matt laugh and girls joined him.

Few minutes later Matt parked in front of their house. They leaved the car Madi smiled to Clemmie as she saw she's nervous.

chapter 5!
Hope you like it ❤️
have a good day/night 🫶🏼
F ♡

For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now