✿⁠ Can i be your boyfriend? ✿⁠

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                          ✿ For real? ✿

                   real life, Instagram

Today is last day of this year, everyone going to Nessa's house for a party at 20, Clemmie's parents went to company thing again do she don't have to worry that her mom wouldn't let her go. Clemmie prepared a black dress which she bought in the mall with Roma and Madi. She decided to start doing her makeup, she put just some foundation, mascara and lipgloss. She took her bag and put there lipgloss and camera she love taking a pictures so that's why she took it. She put on her dress and look at the mirror when she heard her phone buzzing, Matt message they're here so she went down stairs and put her shoes on, she fastly took a sweatshirt and went outside. She sit in the car and greet everyone.

"Hi" Chris whispered when she sit next to him.

"Hi" She whispered back kissing his cheek, a big smile came to his face when she did that.

"I'm excited" Nick said jumping in his seat, Matt giggled quietly and they arrived to Nessa park lot. They can hear loud music from the house, Chris took Clemmie's hand and everyone entered to house, Clemmie squeeze Chris' hand tighter cause its a lot people here and she don't want get lost. They saw Nessa runing to them with a smile.

"HII!" She screamed so they can hear her.

"Hi Ness!" Nick hugged her.

"You are Clemmie right?" She sent her a big smile and Clemmie nodded smiling back.

"I'm Nessa!" She stretched out her arms to hug her so Clemmie hugged her carefully.

Clemmie, Roma and Madi got a wine, Chris pepsi as always, Matt root beer and Nick some soda. They sit at free seats.

Chris saw a lot couples dancing so he thought he can ask Clemmie but he was nervous.

"Clemi?" He said to get her attention.

"Hm?" She turned her head to see him.

"Um, wanna dance?" He raised his left eyebrow.

"I can't dance" She laughed looking at him.

"Me neither" He shrugged with smile.
Clemmie laughed again and Chris took her hand and they went to dance floor. Chris put his hands at her hips and Clemmie aroud his neck. They danced two songs, Chris kissed Clemmie's hand as a thank you.

When they were going back to their seats clemmie saw roma crying in the corner.

"Chris i'll be back okey?" She said and he looked at her.

"Where you going?" He asked squinting his eyes. Clemmie nodded at Roma and he looked that way and nodded slowly.

"Hey love, what happend" She crouched down next to Roma, she looked at her with red from crying eyes.

"Diego" She whispered sniffing.

"What he did?" She asked getting mad.

"He kissed a random girl and said me to fuck off" She sob and Clemmie hugged her.

"What a dick!" She took her hand and take her to the bathroom. They were sitting and hugging for a 10 mins when someone opened the bathroom door.

"Oh" Matt said "Something happend?" He came closer crouching next to them.

"Diego cheated on Roma" Clemmie explained and Matt widen his eyes.

"His loss" He shrugged, Clemmie raised her eyebrows.

"What?" Roma raised her head looking at him.

"His loss, you're so pretty and kind, he don't know what he lost right now, now get up we need to fix your makeup" Matt said with a smile and Clemmie looking at him with shock on her face but she nodded.
"Cmon show him what he lost!" Matt added and Roma get up with a smile.

For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now