✿⁠ Girls night ✿⁠

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                          ✿⁠ For real? ✿⁠

                     real life, Instagram

                              real life

Clemmie and Madi are on way to Roma's house for girls night, then next day they Roma will drive them to school.

"Hii" Roma greted them when they entered house, Madi and Roma not really know each other that's their second meeting.

"Soo we watching movie?" Madi asked smiling to girls.

"Yes, but i don't have any snacks" Roma did sad face.

"Don't worry about that! We have some in backpack" Clemmie said showing it to her.

"That's good!" Roma clapped her hands" They decided to watch mean girls. Halfway through the movie Clem heard her phone vibrate, she took it and saw Chris name.

"Who's that?" Madi asked raised eyebrows.

"Chris" Clemmie said while putting phone to ear.

"Hi Chris" She smiled even he can't see it.

"Hi, what you doing?"

"We have girls night with Madi and Roma" She answered and took a sip of her sprite.

"Can i come? He asked excitetly

"I said girls night Chris" She laughed and look at the girls, that listen everything.

"But we are soooo bored" He said dragging the letter o

"They can come" Roma said and shrugged.

"Okey you can come" Clemmie shigh and closed her eyes.

"YEYY" He screamed to her ear.

"I'll write you adresse"

"Okeyy see you Clemi" He said and end the call, Clemmie wrote adresse to him and they back to movie.

20 minutes later they hear door bell
Roma stand up to open the door, when they came inside Chris run and jump at Clemmie.

"Chris what the fuck?" She laugh and tap his shoulder.

"I missed you" He raised his head with cute smile.

"We saw each other yesterday" She giggled and ruffling his hair

"Yeah way too long" he said and smile again.

"Hello, we are here too" Nick said waving and Clemmi pushed Chris off of her and go to hug Nick and Matt.
When she hugged Matt he kiss top of her head, she feels really close to him not like a lover but like a brother she lost in past.

"We bring snacks!" Nick shouted and put bag on table.

"What we gonna do?" Matt asked with his arm on Clemmie's shoulders, he noticed Chris looking at them with jelous lool so he took nos arm off and smiled to her.

"Let's play just dance!" Roma suggested and everyone looks happy about that.

While Nick and Madi dancing Roma decided to talk to Clemmie.

"anyone want cocoa?" She asked to have reason to take Clemmie.

"Yes" everyone shouted together

"Clemmie cmon help me" She iled to her and Clem nodded and stand up.

"Okey, what's going on?" Roma asked when they enter to kitchen

"What you mean?" Clemmie raised her eyebrows.

For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now