✿ I missed you ✿

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                          ✿⁠ For real? ✿⁠ 

         real life, Snapchat, Instagram

                              real life

When Clemmie entered to her house she saw her dad with raised eyebrows and funny smile.

"I saw that" Pierre laughed raising his eyebrows playfully.

"What?" Clemmie asked looking at her dad.

"You and this boy" Clemmie widen her eyes and start blushing.

"Don't tell mom please" She looked at him with a pleading look.

"Don't worry i talked to her, can we sit in living room?" He asked his daugther, she nodded and they went to living room and sit on couch.

"Okey listen, i talked to your mom" He cut looking at Clemmie "I tried to explain her that you're a teenager and you should have some fun" He cut again and Clemmie nodded "She don't want bad for you love, she just want you to have good grandes and go to good college"

"But my grandes are good" She said with sigh.

"I know, I just hope this boy won't ruin this" He said looking at her with worrying look.

"Dad please, he won't ruin anything!" She said loudly and went fast to her room.

Chris enter to his house with a smile, he saw his brothers standing infront of him, he raised eyebrow with little laugh.

"SO?" Nick yelled do to him.

"So what?" Chris smirked raising his eyebrows again.

"Tell us about the date" Matt smiled swinging on his feet.

"Oh, that was good, so good" He smiled going to living room, his brothers following him there.

"Something happend?" Nick raised his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah" He giggled and sit on couch.

"CHRIS! Will you tell us finally" Nick yelled again and Matt nodded at him.

"Fine" He paused looking at his brothers "We kissed" He said with big smile.

"NO WAY!" Nick jumped and hugged Chris.

"You asked her to be your girlfried?" Matt asked.

"No yet" He replied with sigh.

"Dumbass" Nick slapped hand on his forehead.

"Nick, that was first date" He said ran his hand through hair.

"He's right, they need few more dates"
Matt agreed with Chris and Nick sight sitting on couch.

Few hours later Clemmie laying on her bed and feel her phone buzzing


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    christophersturniolo sent a snap

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For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now