✿ Shrek&Fiona ✿

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                            ✿For real? ✿

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                              real life

Clemmie, Roma and Madi are in mall shopping for something for new year, Madi already have black dress so she just helping girls.

"Clem look" Madi called Clemmie showing her white dress in left hand and black in right hand.

"Both are pretty" She said looking at dresses

"Go try it!" Roma said and Clemmie nodded. She showed to girls when she try it on.

"Take both" Madi shrugged and Roma nodded.

"That's too much" Clemmie said and sigh.

"Girl your dad gave you his credit card! I wouldn't limit myself" Roma laughed as Madi joined her.

"You're right" Clemmie schook her head with laugh.

When Roma choose her dress, girls called Matt to pick them up, he agreed  and now they waiting for him.
They saw Matt van parking at mall parklot do they go there and enter the car.

"Hi" They said together, Matt just smiled and start driving.

"Nick said to bring you to our house" Matt said and look at girls.

"Oh nice! We bought face masks do we can do skin care together" Roma said excitedly, girls nodded and Matt just sigh.

When they arrived to Sturniolos house Nick greet everyone with hug. Chris came to Clemmie and hugged her kissing top of her head, she put her head at his chest smiling.
Madi send Chris meaningful look Chris rolled his eyes and Clemmie moved away and they go to the couch.

later  girls persuaded the boys to do skin care, Nick was so excited but Matt and Chris wasn't really happy about that. Roma doing Matt skin care, Madi Nick and Clemmie Chris.

"Stop looking at me like that" Clemmie giggled.

"Like what?" Chris said still staring at her, she blushed and moved her head so Chris couldn't see, He laughed at her reaction and move her head back with his hand.

"Finish it" He said and laugh quietly.

"I will when you stop staring at me" She laugh back to putting his face mask.

"I'll try" He whispered but still looking at her, Clemmie just sigh trying pay no attention to it.

"Bro i look like a fucking Shrek" Chris said looking at mirror when they finished skin care, Clemmie laugh at his reaction.


liked by clemfernandez, nicolassturniolo and others

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liked by clemfernandez, nicolassturniolo and others

christophersturniolo: Shrek&Fiona 🐸

tagged @clemfernandez


madifilipowicz: stop this is so cute😭

usernamedsara: literally Fiona 🤢

nicolassturniolo: SHIP

clemfernandez: 🐸💚
liked by christophersturniolo

romaparker: Matt is donkey 🫢
matthew.sturniolo: Stfu.

usernamedsammy: awh!

madisonbeer: so cute!
liked by christophersturniolo

madisonbeer: so cute!liked by christophersturniolo

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liked by madifilipowicz, clemfernandez and others

nicolassturniolo: girls loves me 🤭

tagged @clemfernandez @madifilipowicz


madifilipowicz: 😍❤️
liked by nicolassturniolo

clemfernandez: ofc we do 🫶🏻
liked by nicolassturniolo

christophersturniolo: Clemmie liked me more 🖕🏻
clemfernandez: ew no
christophersturniolo: my heart 💔

usernamedsara: Clemmie is a cheater
usernamedsammy: wtf? 😭

                              real life

Clemmie laying on Nick bed cause she feel tired do Nick let her go to his room. Clemmie heard the door open and she saw Chris.

"Are you okey?" He asked coming closer and sitting on bed.

"Yes, i'm just tired" She replied with a soft smile, Chris nodded glancing at her.

"Can i lay next to you?" He asked and Clemmie nodded so he lay next to her with a smile. Clemmie turned her head to Chris but she didn't expect he to be so close, their noses almost touching, Chris placed his hand on her cheek looking in her eyes, he moved closer and then they heard door open, they quickly jumped away from each other.

"Oh? Did I interrupt something?" Nick asked with a smirk.

"Um no" Clemmie looked down blushing, Chris giving Nick angry look.

"I can go back to living room and you can finish what you started" He moved his eyebrows playfully with laugh, Chris just schook his head with sigh.



chapter 15!

bad timing Nick 😭

i Hope you like this one!

have a good day/night 🫶

F ♡

For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now