✿⁠ Replaced ✿⁠

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                             real life

Clemmie and Madi sitting on bench in school garden.

"Your birthday is in a week, what we gonna do?" Madi said clapping her hands.

"I don't know, my parents won't agree to a party at home" She sigh and putting her lips in a line.

"We can do it at club or something" Madi shrugged with soft smile.

"I don't know" She looked down.

"Okey we'll talk later about that" Madi said and Clemmie nodded.

"How's things with Chris?" She smiled looking at her.

"Oh we had some drama i guess?" She started playing with her fingers.

"What happend?" Madi asked with worrying look.

"Some girl want take him from me" She said biting inside of her cheek.

"WHAT" Madi said loudly.

"Yeaa" Clemmie looked at her shoes.

"What girl?" Madi raised eyebrows.

"Her name is Emily, she going to school here" She said looking around.

"Emily? Is so many girls named like that here" Madi said with a sigh.

"Oh Emily Reed or something like that i guess" She looked at Madi.

"Oh, i have chemistry with her" She widen her eyes.

"Really?" Clemmie asked and Madi nodded.

"I can beat her ass if you want" Madi smirked touching her muscle"

"Madi no" Clemmie said with giggle, Madi rolled her eyes with laugh.

"You going to home with us?" Madi asked Clemmie.

"No, Roma will pick me up today" She smiled softly.

"Oh okey" She smiled back, and they hug for goodbye. When Clemmie turn around she saw Roma'a car so she go there.

"Hi" She smiled sitting in passanger seat.

"Hi" Roma said back but she sounds upset or something.

"What's wrong?" Clemmie asked starting to worry. Roma sigh and looked at her.

"I feel like you replaced me with Madi" She said looking at the car window.

"What" Clemmie asked quietly in schock.

"You heard" She said harshly .

"Why you think like that?" Clemmie felt her eyes tearing up.

"You spending all the time with her, and we used to see each other every day" She looked at Clemmie.

"We seeing every day cause of school" She explained.

"What about us? Every time we meeting you always bring her!" She said loudly.

"You have another friends too"
Clemmie said and her voice broke.

"You can go home on foots" She said looking away. Clemmie opened her mouth but she didn't say anything, just left the car. It's raining outside but she don't care right now. Why everyone hates on her these days? She sat under the tree and pulled her legs to her chest.



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For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now