✿⁠ Surprise ✿⁠

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                        ✿ For real? ✿

                  real life, imessage

                            real life

Christmas is in 2 days and Clemmie's parents just said to her they won't spend it together.

"Wait, you want leave me alone on christmas?!" Clemmie screamed tearing up.

"Love, we got invited to company christmas evie, we have flight tommorow at 6 am" Pierre said with a sigh

"Why I can't go with you?" She have her dad sad look

" Clemmie. We said it's company christmas eve, and you're not part of it." Amanda said in a firm tone.

"And you are part of it?" She asked raising her eyebrows with a snort.

"Clemmie" her dad said in a warning tone.

"Fine, it will be the best christmas!" She said run to her room and slamming the door.


                     Romie 🫶🏻 - Roma
                    Clem 🫶🏻 - Clemmie

                                                     Clem 🫶🏻
      can you believe my parents want                  leave me alone on christmas

Romie 🫶🏻

                                                    Clem 🫶🏻
they going to"company christmas eve"

Romie 🫶🏻
shouldn't they take you with them?
like you're their daugther

                                                     Clem 🫶🏻
                             "you're not part of it"

Romie 🫶🏻
yo...that's so sad
I would invite you, but I'm going to Diego's parents....

                                                   Clem 🫶🏻
                                              it's okey 🫶🏻
                                                i'll be fine
Romie 🫶🏻

                              real life

Clemmie laying in her bed and thinking, if Toby could be here she wouldn't be alone on christmas.
She shigh loudly and stand up to take photo book, she found what she wanted and staring at the picture of her and Toby chosing the christmas tree, she feel tears runing down her face "What's the point of anyting?" She asked still looking at the picture.
She hear her phone buzzing, she took it and saw Chris name.

"Hey" She said putting phone to her ear.

"Hi, are you okey?" He said with worrying voice.

"Yes why?"

"You sound like you crying" He said and sigh

"Oh that's nothing" She shrugged

"You know you can always talk to me right?" He said softly and she could imagine this smile on his face.

"Thank you Chris" She said wiping tears.

"So? what's wrong?"

"Just my parents" She sigh loudly and lay down.

"What did they do?" He asked curius.

"They leaving me alone on christmas"
She said quietly nibbling the corner of her sweatshirt.

"THEY WHAT?" He shouted to her ear.
"Are you kidding me?"

"No" She shigh loudly.

"I'm sorry Clemi, my mom need me right now" He said but Clemmie can't know what's on his head.


"Bye, love you" He said and end the call, Clemmie smiled and take phone away.



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clemfernandez: all i want for christmas is you 💔🧸

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                             real life

Chris walked into a kitchen where Mary Lou doing christmas food.

"Mom?" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes baby?" She asked smiling to her son.

"Would you mind if i'll invite someone for christmas?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his neck again.

"Who? i don't know about something?" She smiled raising her eyebrows playfully.

"Mom! Just a friend" He said blushing.

"Yeah sure that's why you blushing" She laughed and tap his shoulder.
"Of course you can invite her" She smiled again.

"Thank you mom" He smiled and hugged her

Chris took his phone and choose Clemmie's number again today.

"Clemi i have surprise for you" He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh, yeah?" She giggled quietly.

"Yeah, you spending christmas with us!" He said loudly.

"What?" She said in schock.

"I asked my mom and she agreed"

"But Chris-" She started but he cut her.

"There's no buts Clemi" He said in firm tone.

"Thank you Chris" She said and her voice broke.

"Heyy, don't cry" He said said as his smile fade away.

"That's happy tears Chris" She laughed quietly.

Clemmie don't know yet it will be the best christmas in her life.


chapter 12!

tommorow christmas chapter 🫶🏻

i hope you like this one 😚

have a good day/night
F ♡

For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now