✿⁠ Can i hug you? ✿⁠

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                        ✿For real?✿

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                             real life

Matt parked in front of their house. They leaved the car Madi smiled to Clemmie as she saw she's nervous.

Matt let the girls through the door and they enter to their house as they saw Chris runing down stairs. He stopped when he saw Clemmie, she widen her eyes when Chris started walk to her.

"Hi" He stood in front of her with a smile.

"Hi" She said quietly.

"Can i hug you?" Chris asked her and she nodded so he wrapped his hands around her shoulders and she around his waist. Madi looked at Matt raised her eyebrows playfully and Matt giggled quietly.

"Let's go to living room" Matt said as they moved away from each other.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon" Chris smiled to Clemmie when they sit on couch.

"Yeah me too" She said with sigh and smiled.

"Hello guys" Nick said when he come down stairs "OH CLEMMIE" He said loudly when he noticed her. She raised her eyebrows.

"Hi Nick" She smiled to him nicely

"So what we gonna do?" Madi asked everyone.

"Let's watch a movie?" Matt asked as everyone nodded

"Horror?" Chris asked with a smirk

So they end up watching scream.
Madi was sitting next to Nick with head on his shoulder, Clemmie sitting
between Chris and Matt.
Clemmie started thinking about her mom, she know that when she will come home tommorow her mom will start fight. Chris elbowed her as he saw she's somwhere else.

"You okey? you zoned out" He asked glancing at her.

"Yeah i'm fine, sorry" She gave him little smile and back to movie.


@clemfernandez @madifilipowicz @matthew

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clemfernandez @christophersturniolo @matthew.sturniolo

liked by romaparker, christophersturniolo and others

nicolassturniolo: some fun with friends 🫶🏼


user: omg Clemmie!

romaparker: what's going on in last pic...
clemfernandez: they wanted to crush me...

christophersturniolo: Nick got all girls...
nicolassturniolo: HAHA L

madifilipowicz: ❤️❤️
liked by nicolassturniolo

madifilipowicz: ❤️❤️liked by nicolassturniolo

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liked by matthew.sturniolo, romaparker and others

clemfernandez: hi 🤭❤️

tagged @christophersturniolo @matthew.sturniolo


romaparker: remember me when you're famous...
liked by clemfernandez

christophersturniolo: 🤠❤️
liked by clemfernandez

user: omg 😍

usernamedsammy: love you Clemmie

matthew.sturniolo: 😊🫶🏻
liked by romaparker

usernamedsara: don't like her

                              real life

Next morning Clemmie wake up on Madi's lap. She get up fast and checked time "oh my god" she said to herself .

"what happend?" Matt asked with sleepy voice.

"It's almost 9 am." She said widen her eyes "

"And what about that?" He asked raising his eyebrow"

"I was supposed to be at home on 8 am!"  She started panicking.

"Dress up, i'll drive you home" He said with smile and went to bathroom.

Clemmie went to another bathroom and take off clotches Madi lend her and dress to her yesterday outfit. She went down stairs and take on her shoes and jacket. Matt did the same and take keys to car.

"Are you okey?" Matt asked Clemmie while driving he saw her hands shaking"

"Yes i'm just nervous" She look down at her shoes

"Why?" Matt raised his eyebrows

"My mom will be mad" She said with a sigh. Matt didn't say anything.

"You want me to go with you?" He asked stopping car in front Clemmie's house.

"No!" She said too loudly cause Matt jump a little at his seat.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to thank you Matt" She smiled to him nicely and open door

"See you" Matt smiled and waved to her.

Clemmie opened door with sigh as she saw her mom with crosed arms.


chapter 6 🫶🏻
hope you will like
i Hope someone really reading it.

see you in next chapter!
F ♡

For real? || Christopher Sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now