✿ Love you Matt ✿

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liked by nicolassturniolo, clemfernandez and others.

christophersturniolo: We are back bitches 😝

tagged @clemfernandez


madifilipowicz: favs 😍

clemfernandez: 😝❤️
liked by christophersturniolo

usernamedsara: oh noo

usernamedsammy: best couple 😍
usernamedsara: worst*

matthew.sturniolo: i came in when they're making out...
usernamedsammy: poor Matt 😭
nicolassturniolo: HAHA

nessabarret: cuties 🫶🏼

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                              real life

Few days later triplets, Madi and Nessa are planing Clemmie's birthday Ness suggested a party at her house cause its big.

"So its in 2 days?" Nessa asked and everyone nodded.

"Our mom said she can do some food" Nick said.

"Okey so we have food, what else?" Nessa looked at them.

"Me and Matt will do decorations" Madi said and Matt nodded.

"So i'll get drinks and Chris will take Clem!" She said and everyone nodded.

"So we have everything?" Nick asked and.

"Yeah i guess, but what about Roma?" Ness asked raising her eyebrows.

"They not talking for now" Madi put her lips in line.

"Oh" Nessa sigh.

"So if we have everything can i go?" Chris asked.

"Where?" Nick raised his eyebrows.

"To the mall" Chris replied.

"Mall?" Matt raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, with Clemi" He smiled and stand up.

"How you'll get there?" Matt raised his eyebrows again.

"Bus" He shrugged.

"I can drive you there" Matt suggested standing up.

"If you want" Then triplets and Madi leaved, Matt drove Madi and Nick home and pick up Clemmie as they go to the mall.

"What are you looking for?" Matt asked looking at them.

"Chris made me to get the dress for my birthday" Clemmie sigh and Chris smiled putting his arm aroud her shoulders.

"Can't i just wear top and jeans?" She rolled her eyes.

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY" Chris said loudly.

"Yea so let me feel comfortable in my birthday" She fake sob.

"Just let her wear what she want" Matt said looking at them.

"Love you Matt" She said and Matt smiled cutely.

"Alr buy a top or whatever you want" Chris rolled her eyes.

"Yey!" She took Matt's and Chris hands and took them to h&m.

When they bought everything they went to eat something in McDonald's they took something for Nick and go to Sturniolos house.

"Hi sweetie!" Mary Lou said while hugging Clemmie.

"Hi" She said smiling and hugging her back.

"Are you hungry?" She asked them.

"We ate at McDonald's" Chris said and Mary Lou rolled her eyes.

"You bring me something?" Nick asked raising his eyebrow.

"No" Chris said sitting on couch.

"I hate you" Nick crossed his arms.

"Here you go" Matt said while handing him McDonald bag.

"I love you Matt" He said and hug him.


chapter 26!

i'm sorry i know its really short

tommorow will be two chapters probably

thanks for reading 🫶🏼
hope you like

see you in next chapter! 🤍
have a good day/night
F ♡

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